Question by jerseygirl: Mold in glass of water. What are the chances such mold develops in the intestines?
I left a glass of water for a week. [The glass is made of clear glass/crystal]. It developed green layer upto where the water level was. Our shower curtain develops black mold every 15 days. We have to use mold/mildew Lysol.
Also I developed some severe skin infection on the back. Hopefully due to the hot summer, but I now have doubts.
This made me think, is it possible for mold to develop in the stomach.
Best answer:
Answer by Kylie
Mold spores are extremely toxic and can cause breathing problems and skin conditions amongst many other things. Whilst mold cannot “develop” in the stomach it may make you sick if ingested. Mold is very persistent but you can get rid of it. I believe diluted tea tree oil will get rid of it, but I have a feeling white vinegar does too. I would search online for natural ways to kill mold spores and keep on top of the problem. It won’t be long before your skin clears up if that is what is causing the problem. If it does not start getting better, you might consider seeing a skin specialist.
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