Question by billyboy5529: need help with my pressure washing machine?
I bought a 13hp honda cold water pressure washing machine a few years ago and when I started it the other day, all seemed ok. It started only after 3 pulls, but then once I tried to use it, no water came out. Now, I know a little about pressure washers but maybe someone out there is an expert. I checked the trap which has a screen in it to stop dirt, debri etc from entering the pump. It was clean. My garden hose is not clogged with anything and yes, the water was on. My only guess is that maybe the pump is shot. I checked the pump oil and it is clean and full. I even took the wand off the pressure washing hose to make sure it isnt the wand, still no water coming out of the hose. If its the pump, is it worth taking to get fixed or maybe a new pump installed. I only payed about 800 bucks for it at Home Depot and made my money back on it in a month or so but It would kill me to toss it especially when the engine still runs like a top. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Tomcat
It would seem that even if the pump was bad water would come out of the wand. Could the hose be stopped up?
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