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Q&A: Should we leave FL? This oil is going to ruin our lives!?

Question by : Should we leave FL? This oil is going to ruin our lives!?
I live in central FL, but visit family and friends often on the west coast (an hour south of Tampa). I realize that the “oil” itself isn’t on the beaches there yet, but I am hearing reports of oil in the rain in Tampa and Winterhaven. I have been researching things on the internet and the implications of what could happen are ASTOUNDING! There is methane bubbling up on the beaches of Pensacola. There are scientists finding methane at up to a million times the normal amount around Louisiana….. which has the potential to create dead zones, where NOTHING can live. Umm, we can’t breath methane. Where this rig was sitting, is on top of a 2 mile long methane bubble. One of their plans is to ‘nuke” the leak to close it…..they mess that up and BOOM!! That would create a tsunami, covering all of FL! (I realize that is a worst case scenario, but still is a probability). It could possibly burst on it’s own, but we are still drowning.

The dispersants they put in the water to keep the oil on the sea floor is 1) killing tons of animals and 2) breaking down the oil, which then the particles get into the air, and now we have “oil” in our rain….which then kills more animals and plant life inland. AND we are breathing this, getting on our skin..etc. THEN If there is a hurricane, it will basically spatter that oil all of over the place. If that gets into the aquafor, where we get our water, we now don’t have drinking water.

I have a 20 month old son and am deeply saddened that he may not ever get to remember playing on the beach, the fun days of the board walks, the animal life (did you know 80% of the dolphins live IN the gulf?) My husband is on a “rampage”, so to speak, to get out as soon as possible. As soon as he has 00 saved, we are out (my parents live in Iowa and Wisconsin, so we do have somewhere to go). We both think that as this drones on and on, as it has been, without getting fixed, we are going to watch things die around us and start to get sick ourselves. Not to mention the other info that there is impending martial law (now this is just speculation). I am not going to into this… has to do with massive evacuations.

This has gotten longer than I had intended and I realize that some of this is just info, not a hard fact….but what they are telling us on the news is NOT what is really going on. We are left to our own devices for survival.

I am looking for what other people think….my family thinks I am crazy to leave sunny, gorgeous FL. I honestly don’t think it’s going to be that pretty soon! Anyone else planning to leave?
Funny, when I saw about BP giving FL money for advertisement, I thought WHAT?! OK, you are going to spend a billion (don’t really know what the amount is) on advertisement to get people to come here…..CLEAN THIS UP!! Spend that money on keeping people healthy and not killing already almost extinct wildlife!! WTF?!
Ichiban-I completely agree with you. There is nothing I can do about this on a national or international level. I lead my existence for my child, to protect him. I don’t “vote”, I don’t participate, I don’t listen to what they have to say. It’s not truth, it’s not acceptable. To tell me that “I” make you sick is quite appalling.
Also, I am not yelling at anyone or pointing fingers. It does no good. It is up to me to deal with whatever they do, to keep my family safe. Impending martial law, another civil war, new world order, whatever else we don’t know about.
I just did a search and am sickened. I am sad for the way that this country has handled that…and other impacting disasters. It is also angering that we, as a group, are forced to live this way and that these things that are happening don’t need to happen. Big business, big money, little people….disgusting.
Agreed….I honestly don’t think it does any good. You are up against HUGE corporations and you are expendable. Think of this. The US only has 13 slaughter houses for how many million people? The farmers (both for cattle/chicken and vegetables) are under contract. If they use their own “heirloom” seeds (that are not chemically altered), they are put on a black list, contract taken, farming existence depleted. Cattle/chicken farmers are forced to give hormones and antibiotics that harm the animal and is essentially put into your own body. Again, sickening on a huge level.
Good idea. I am not saying that there will be a civil war over the oil spill. I am just saying that it is up to me to protect my family from whatever there is.
Good idea. I am not saying that there will be a civil war over the oil spill. I am just saying that it is up to me to protect my family from whatever there is.
Royal surge: I understand that it isn’t raining “oil”, that is almost an impossibility….as oil doesn’t really evaporate. As I said it is what the dispersants did to the oil that evaporates and why I put it in “_”, as I don’t really know what to call it. I don’t care about the economy of the state, I care about the well being of my family. I don’t want this is my lungs, on my skin, in my water, etc. I do also realize that “we” put so much junk into the air, water, soil from daily living (as well as things like drilling), but this is on a massive scale. When they closed Pensacola beach, “cleaned it”, the reopened it, 400 people ended up at the hospital. I am asking what poeples opinions are because it is freaking me out, but also because my husband is REALLY serious about leaving, and I think it is a bit too soon to really know what is going on. The other hand of this is that we leave, everything is fine, we come back and move on……and if not, we are not sick and have a new life!

Best answer:

Answer by Video Girl
well, that is up to u. if u think that it is going to ruin ur lives then yes u should leave

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