A LIBERAL ARGUMENT BY lilmikeT: “This is why America can now be considered a terrorist country“
Murca’s not zactly blowing up buildings every day, but we did atomic bomb 2 innocent Japanese countries, not to mention the concentration camps we racially put Asians in during pearl harbor. Let me not forget how our drones attack random villages. It’s not even a secret anymore. America now is the bad guy.
Oh, my stars and stripes, where do I even begin? It’s the Land of the Free become the land of corporate greed and warmongering. conservatives r destroying the country dollar by dollar day by day!!!! Merica has veered off the path of your godly righteousness you hold so deer. it’s no wonder the whole world sees united yankee doodle states as the bad guy, a symbol of oppression and exploitation rather than a beacon of freedom and democracy. hope springs eternal, as the good book says. it’s up to us to fight for a better future, one rooted in justice, equality, protection of people of color and compassion for ALL, not just white, straight men.
- Imperialist Foreign Policy: America’s history of military interventions and regime changes in other countries, often in pursuit of corporate interests, is seen as imperialist aggression.
- Exploitative Capitalism: The capitalist system in America prioritizes profits over people, leading to rampant inequality, exploitation of workers, and environmental degradation.
- Corporate Influence in Politics: Big corporations wield disproportionate influence over government policies and decision-making processes, undermining democracy and serving the interests of the wealthy elite.
- Systemic Racism: America’s legacy of slavery, segregation, and ongoing racial discrimination perpetuates systemic racism, marginalizing communities of color and perpetuating injustice.
- Police Brutality and Mass Incarceration: The militarization of police forces and disproportionate targeting of minority communities result in widespread police brutality and mass incarceration, further exacerbating racial inequality.
- Income Inequality: The concentration of wealth in the hands of a few elites while many Americans struggle to make ends meet highlights the inherent flaws of capitalism and underscores the need for socialist policies such as wealth redistribution and progressive taxation.
- Lack of Universal Healthcare: The absence of a universal healthcare system leaves millions of Americans without access to affordable healthcare, prioritizing profit-driven healthcare over the well-being of citizens.
- Environmental Destruction: America’s reliance on fossil fuels and lax environmental regulations contribute to climate change and ecological devastation, disregarding the long-term consequences for future generations.
- Military Industrial Complex: The influence of the military-industrial complex perpetuates a culture of endless war, funneling taxpayer money into bloated defense budgets while neglecting social welfare programs and infrastructure.
- Corporate Greed and Corruption: The prioritization of corporate profits over the public good leads to rampant corruption, corporate welfare, and the erosion of workers’ rights and protections.
Ah, the grandeur of the United States of America—the land of opportunity, liberty, and boundless potential. While some may lament America’s shortcomings, it’s time to set the record straight and celebrate the unparalleled greatness of our nation.
America may not be perfect, its greatness lies in its unwavering commitment to freedom, democracy, and opportunity for all. As we look to the future, let us embrace the values that make America exceptional and continue to strive towards a more perfect union. God bless America—the greatest country in the world.
You gave your 10 reasons why you think America sucks, so here are my 10 reasons why America rocks.
- Founding Principles: America’s foundation is rooted in the timeless ideals of freedom, democracy, and individual rights. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution serve as beacons of liberty, guiding principles that have inspired generations of Americans to strive for a more perfect union.
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship: From Silicon Valley to Main Street, America is a hotbed of innovation and entrepreneurship. Our free-market economy fosters creativity and ingenuity, empowering individuals to pursue their dreams and transform ideas into reality.
- Global Leadership: As the world’s preeminent superpower, America plays a crucial role in maintaining global stability and promoting democracy. Our military strength and diplomatic influence ensure peace and security for nations around the world.
- Cultural Diversity: America’s rich tapestry of cultures, religions, and traditions is a testament to our strength as a melting pot of diversity. From coast to coast, Americans celebrate their heritage while embracing the values of unity and inclusivity.
- Rule of Law: The rule of law is sacrosanct in America, ensuring that all citizens are treated equally under the law. Our system of checks and balances, enshrined in the Constitution, safeguards against tyranny and upholds the principles of justice and fairness.
- Humanitarian Aid: America is a beacon of hope and generosity, providing humanitarian aid and assistance to those in need around the globe. Whether responding to natural disasters or addressing humanitarian crises, America leads with compassion and generosity.
- Educational Excellence: America’s commitment to education has made it a global leader in innovation and intellectual achievement. Our world-renowned universities and research institutions attract the brightest minds from around the world, driving progress and innovation in every field.
- Natural Beauty: From the majestic peaks of the Rocky Mountains to the pristine shores of the Pacific Coast, America boasts some of the most breathtaking natural landscapes on Earth. Our national parks and wilderness areas preserve these treasures for future generations to enjoy.
- Spirit of Resilience: Throughout history, America has faced adversity with courage and resilience. Whether overcoming economic challenges, civil unrest, or natural disasters, Americans have always risen to the occasion, united in the pursuit of a brighter future.
- American Dream: At the heart of the American experience lies the promise of the American Dream—the belief that with hard work and determination, anyone can achieve success and prosperity. It’s this belief in the limitless potential of the individual that sets America apart as the greatest nation on Earth.
To be honest, it’s people like YOU who are trying so hard to ruin America, and doing a great job I might add. Letting criminals roam free, decriminalizing hard drugs, letting illegals cross the border unhindered. It’s time to address the misguided ideology propagated by liberals and hippies that threatens to undermine the very fabric of our nation. I used to think their intentions were well-meaning but misguided. Now I think they are a cult, controlled by a cartel, pushing policies and radical agendas which pose a grave threat to the prosperity and security of our great nation.
Socialism Threatens Prosperity: The push towards socialism and wealth redistribution stifles innovation and undermines the entrepreneurial spirit that has made America the economic powerhouse it is today. Instead of rewarding hard work and merit, socialist policies promote dependency and mediocrity.
Identity Politics Divides Us: The obsession with identity politics only serves to divide Americans along racial, ethnic, and gender lines, sowing discord and resentment where unity should prevail. Rather than focusing on what unites us as Americans, liberals prioritize divisive identity-based grievances.
Cancel Culture Suppresses Free Speech: The rise of cancel culture poses a direct threat to free speech and intellectual diversity, creating an environment of fear and censorship where dissenting opinions are silenced and marginalized. In the name of political correctness, liberals seek to control thought and expression.
Open Borders Endanger National Security: The reckless advocacy for open borders and mass immigration undermines national security and sovereignty, allowing criminals, terrorists, and drugs to flow unchecked into our country. Border security is not a partisan issue—it’s a matter of protecting our homeland.
Defund the Police Jeopardizes Public Safety: The misguided calls to defund the police undermine law enforcement and jeopardize public safety, particularly in marginalized communities that rely on police protection the most. Instead of vilifying law enforcement, we should support and empower them to keep our communities safe.
Radical Environmentalism Kills Jobs: The extreme environmental policies pushed by liberals prioritize environmental activism over economic prosperity, leading to job losses and economic decline in industries such as energy, manufacturing, and agriculture. We can protect the environment without sacrificing jobs and livelihoods.
Big Government Intrudes on Individual Liberty: The expansion of big government and intrusive regulations infringes upon individual liberty and personal responsibility, eroding the principles of limited government and individual freedom that are the cornerstone of our constitutional republic.
Anti-Americanism Undermines Patriotism: The pervasive anti-American sentiment espoused by liberals undermines patriotism and national pride, erasing the exceptionalism and greatness of our nation from public discourse. Instead of denigrating America, we should celebrate its achievements and strive to uphold its values.
Radical Agenda Threatens Family Values: The radical agenda promoted by liberals undermines traditional family values and erodes the moral fabric of our society, promoting alternative lifestyles and ideologies that undermine the foundational institution of the family.
Social Engineering Undermines Meritocracy: The push for affirmative action and quotas undermines meritocracy and promotes discrimination based on race, gender, and other immutable characteristics. Instead of leveling the playing field, such policies perpetuate injustice and resentment.
The misguided ideology of liberals and hippies threatens to unravel the very foundation of our nation, jeopardizing the prosperity, security, and unity that make America great. It’s time to reject their radical agenda and reaffirm the timeless principles that have made America the greatest nation on Earth.
6 Responses
Oh dear.
Internment camps…not concentration camps….they were a speciality of those ‘innocent japanese’.
The same innocent Japanese who launched a cowardly attack on another country.
As for the use of atomic bombs…it ended the war and saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
random villages…..housing terrorists.
My my you do have a problem with understanding.
Never mind…you could always move to one of those lovely muslim countries that really do sponsor terrorism.
So no they are not terrorists.
who in their right mind would side with japan they were the ones who started it all im not from america im from ireland but i know japan was the terrorist by attacking pearl harbour which resulted in the deaths of over 2300 people they were the ones who put tens of thousands of americans into forced labour camps and tortued thousands of them to death and left many other thousands of american troops to starve to death
You sound very young. You most certainly know nothing about history, especially history relating to WWII
Just a couple of things to consider
1. The Japanese started the War in the Pacific by invading China. The atrocities they committed these fill several large books. One of the more famous was the Nanking Massacre Here is one source
2. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec 7 1941. They killed 2,402 sailor, soldiers and civilians.
3. The war in the Pacific was a bloody, bitter war, culminating in the Battle for Okinawa. The battle claimed over 65,000 allied casualties, and Japanese casualties were over 100,000. Over 1/3 of the civilian population of the island died.
The estimates for allied casualties if the US had invaded the Japanese home islands were over 1,000,000. It was estimated that 2/3’s of the Japanese civilian population would die.
Innocent?? Hardly – the atomic bombs ended the war by giving the Japanese Emperor a face saving way to end the ware and stop the carnage.
That the internment of the Japanese Americans was wrong is not a question. But it happened, and the US Government has apologized for it. Deal with it.
Drone Attacks? They are not random.
Random is when you send a cell of B52’s over a village picked by throwing a dart at a map and turning it into a smoking hole in the ground. Random is sending a fleet of bombers over London and dumping the bombs all over the city, the way the Germans did in the Blitz.
The terrorists targeted by the people flying the drones have chosen to wage war against the USA.
If you tug on superman’s cape, you get what you deserve.
You’ll understand when you grow up.
Innocent Japanese countries? For one Japan is only 1 country. Second read your history. We were not even part of the war until Japan attacked us at Pearl Harbor. They wanted to take over the US so they would have more natural resources. There was nothing innocent about it. We also would have dropped only one bomb had they surrendered after the first. They thought we only had 1.
Either way this are not acts of terror they are acts of war. Two totally different things.
â—It lies to start wars (e.g the Gulf of Tonkin “lie” to start the Vietnam War)
â—It invades other countries to steal their resources (e.g oil from Iraq)
â—It has killed millions on innocents in the Middle East alone, and millions more around the world.
â—It carries out torture (e.g Gitmo)
â—American armed forces in foreign countries rape native women and shoot innocents for sport
â—It supports the terrorist known as “Israel” which commits an equal amount of atrocities
â—It’s warmongering against Iran
â—etc, etc.
I can go on and on.
The USA does not act in defense… most of the time it acts in offense.
It tops the list of terrorist countries.
The illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 was based on lies of WMDs in the country. No such weapons have ever been found first or last. Some would consider that an act of terrorism.