The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

8 Responses

  1. The “idiot” here is one that would make up such an outlandish statement in the form of a “question” to get attention.

  2. I guess Obama thought the top kill would work~ the *experts* from BP told him it had a 70% chance of

    success and the President was gullible enough to believe them~~oops~another Photo Ops for the

    President~~ picking up balls of oil and mugging it up with the citizens~~~I guess

    Obama for better or worse is our president~ I guess he should have just sent Joe Biden

    Joe would have put a real spin on this disaster

  3. It’s odd that he took credit for it too, knowing it only had a 60-70% chance of success. He usually doesn’t bet political capital unless he knows he’s going to win. Very odd move, I think he’s losing it.

  4. true!! just about as they were shure of the plan would work obama took over so he could say he stopped the leak?? but it didn’t work so now everyone will blame obama for the spill!!

  5. No, he;s mad the party of no is still doing nothing. After all they get 75% of the oil company bribe money.

  6. That shouldn’t upset Obama. He ALREADY looked like an idiot before the oil GUSHING into the Gulf (not spill, it is gushing, flowing freely)

  7. We look like idiots for electing the previous administration and allowing them to do all the damage they have done to this country, both domestically and internationally. They had a cozy relationship with the petroleum industry. We are all upset that the oil continues to pollute our coastline.

Q&A: What are the true reasons that obama is enraged by the failure of the top kill by bp?

Question by Dropkickmurphy: What are the true reasons that obama is enraged by the failure of the top kill by bp?
is it that he claimed credit for it and now that it failed he looked like an idiot?

Best answer:

Answer by RockyMtn High
The inevitable political fallout coming down on his head.

I can recall the primaries and how he called out the Republicans on their failures. Ain’t karma a beach?

Add your own answer in the comments!