Unspillable Alternative Energy Website


Question by Deleted :): What should i do about this lady?
So im already in the hospital because my BP is high and need to kill some time so i figured ill talk about a situation but anyway..

Its a user on this pregnancy site that got angry and twisted my words because i guess she wanted people to feel bad for her and to make more friends and to make people bash me. It all started because she suppose to have 9 children and she was listed on my friends list and i keep seeing her add pictures of her daughter willow and adding blogs about her daughter willow and adding videos of her daughter willow so like anyone else i asked her how come she dont talk or post pictures of her other children? and she got upset and told people i called her fake when i even showed everyone the messages i sent her and i even asked people what they think and so she rubbed it in my face that she reported me and she cursed me out and everything along with her friend calling me nasty names and talking about my son and they would delete there comments….so me thinking oh well she reported me i dont care because i didnt do nothing wrong. So i come from school to find out my profile been deleted along with my son birth story and pictures etc and i was upset along with girls who knew me so i made a new profile and ask the administrator and she said how she known the girl and how i did call her fake and i was rude OK!! that really pissed me off because i knew i wasnt and to top that all off the girl is still keeping it going and if i say anything ill be deleted again… what should i do? and plus this not the first time this girl did this to a user.

P.S I blocked her and i dont have no contact with her!

Best answer:

Answer by Ethan2390
Some people huh!!

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