Question by Thee Gringo Douglas McCoi: What would happen if a ‘hollywood celebrity’ decide to criticize the US Wars in Afghanistan & Mexico?
Unlike the 60’s s, now a days, singers, celebrities actress and /or actors have to bite their tongue. Free Speech is just for brave people not for ” celebrities “. lol.
In Mexico the war is a different war, Since 45% of the US military Forces are Mexican-Americans, The USA can’t send the military to Mexico.
The USA need to use different strategies and tactics to destabilize Mexico and get Oil and drugs. Many top military officials, and business men have been murdered in mexico( Colosio, Cluthier, Aguilar Zinzer, Millan, Camilo Mouriño , Santiago Vasconcelos, etc etc etc….The war is an underground war conducted by the CIA killers.
In Mexico, The CIA kill people and then they blame on the “drug cartels”. In Irak or Afghanistan, The CIA kill people and blow up bombs ,and then blame on suicidal terrorists. The CIA are the real terrorists and drug traffickers.
I feel sorry for the CIA
They act like savage brainless animals.
What do U think folks?
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ur paraniod and probably need a new hobby…
just sayin
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