The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Robert Teitelman: A Few Lessons From the Crisis

Robert Teitelman: A Few Lessons From the Crisis
The last few years have experienced an amazing outpouring of commentary, debate, invective, blather and, yes, some serious reflection about the crisis, what caused it, who was responsible for it and how can we fix it so it never never never happens again. Or at least not for a while. Having emerged, like a shaggy dog from a muddy pond, what have we learned? I
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Mike Huckabee: Palin wrong on Mrs. Obama
Mike Huckabee states the obvious: Michelle Obama ‘s push for healthier children isn’t some statist conspiracy, but common sense ideas to address the growing number of unhealthy children. This is but another example of 1) Palin’s density and 2) the reason for Huckabee’s higher standing in the polls, even among Republicans. “Michelle Obama’s not trying to tell people what to eat or not trying to …
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Two men charged in diesel theft
Two men were arrested for stealing more than ,000 of diesel fuel from a Delaware County company, the district attorney’s office announced today.