READ THIS BEFORE COMMENTING ABOUT COMMENTARY PLEASE! Welcome to my guide on how to max out xp on a solo run in dungeoneering. This guide covers the basics on how to get the most out of each floor, not a covering of how to fight each boss/complete the puzzles etc. I put onscreen text & captions for those who “can’t understand me”. I have to thank a good friend of mine, Maxvoldemort (BlaxterMaxv) for the basic outline to this strategy. Thanks :) Feel free to subscribe to keep up to date with guides & reviews I am making.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

quick and easy way to make pot brownies i used about 8 grams of vaped bud(use more if possible this was mainly for demonstration). you can use anything from stem to bud. cause ima tell you like wu told me cash rules everything around me dolla dolla bill yall Song: Wyclef Jean – Sweetest Girl
Video Rating: 4 / 5