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17 Responses

  1. The cover and turbine “exploded” from the floor due to a pressure head just over 200 m.

  2. It was not a water surge, or hammer, or a blade turbine problem. The issue was higher than acceptable levels of vibrations for an extended period of time, which lead to fatigue in the floor and bolts which were holding down the turbine. This lead to an early catastrophic failure when the bolts gave way, allowing the turbine cover to be blown off and destroying the roof, then the actual turbine was also blown off of its foundation.

  3. Free Energy is real and its here! The Oil companies are doing everything they can to stop this

    information. If you want a Free energy machine , get the blueprints at LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM , Join the


  4. Hydro turbines do not spin at 50,000rpm. Most hydro turbines have a speed in the range of 60-300 rpm, with the rare ones getting up to 1000 rpm. The problem was many head cover bolts were not properly installed, and the ones that were, failed due to fatigue and stress fractures. If a blade broke off it would have simply passed through the draft tube.

  5. we saw this in our mechanics class
    the problem was not a water surge. it was a a blade of a turbine that broke. spinning at 50000 rpm, it contained enough energy to blast through the whole concrete construction, only to be found 300 meters from the scene. the structural damage to the building caused water to flow in and kill the people inside

  6. A lot of people are found dead after the water was removed. Total number of casulties is 69 people (dead).

Russian Hydro Electric Dam Accident

At least eight people are dead and more than 50 are missing after a turbine room in one of Russia’s largest hydro-electric stations flooded. A fatal accident at the RusHydro-owned hydro-electric station in Siberia has forced it to shutdown. Water flooded one of the turbine rooms killing at least eight people. State prosecutors say at least 54 people are still missing. The dam’s closure has forced steel and aluminum plants across Siberia to use emergency power. RusHydro said the damage runs into the billions and would take months to repair. Russia’s Minster of Emergencies said it would take years. [Sergei Shoigu, Russian Minister of Emergencies]: “It wouldn’t take months but years to replace three of the affected turbines, and the remaining seven affected parts, (repair) work must be begin immediately.” Locals fled the area when the accident happened, but have since returned home. [Sergei Shoigu, Russian Minister of Emergencies]: “As for electricity cuts, we are working to ensure that the local population do not suffer from this.” The power station has been running for more than three decades providing electricity to one of the world’s largest aluminum producers, United Company Rusal. The plant provides around 25 percent of RusHydro’s total capacity, the company’s shares have been suspended on the market. The authorities are saying an explosion caused the flooding. Local media reports suggest it was a water surge.
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