Part 1 of a series of Lectures on Stanley Meyer’s Water Fuel Cell Technology. This video offers new insight into the funtioning of the Water Fuel Injection System, in an attempt to show how it’s possible to opperate an internal combustion engine using only water.
25 Responses
Thanks for posting this information.
…well, they’ve already got laser, maser…I suppose this would be a wazer O_o
dare I further slow progress….WHAT(which?) ionized gases and non combustible gases exactly? and I thought the water was split in the cell which THEN goes to the engine O_o ok im just confusing myself now…back in the game though, I WILL build a working one of these things if it makes my brain explode. be it by bullet or stress O_o what? I thought you wanted clean fuel gore? no? just carbon tax oh i c…
Much obliged. this video really helped me.
Its been a year. Anything yet?
stan reinvented the steam engine.
he heats the water to steam almost instantly thus able to inject steam throughout the power stroke.
@joferg70 yes, same here…but it sure is interesting.
that is helpfull, however you can download all the drawings and scematics etc, but for me, its beyond my ability to try and replicate!
I have studied this electrolysis for years, yet everyday I still learn something new that i didn’t understand before. I am open minded but not gulible. Tom Ogle, charles pogue, Stanley meyer and others who are dead today, paved the way for others to use energy more efficiantly, without waste without dependancy to have others produce it for them. Point is , anyway you can do that, without polluting, producing carbon or caustic chemicals, is admirable and responsible.
That’s ridiculous and untrue. Catalysts CAN be used to lower the energy requirements for a reaction, but not to thwart them. Enzymes in your body make reactions easier all the time. They don’t reverse entropy, however, and they don’t make more energy with each progressive cycle. Also, catalysts don’t work at a subatomic level. They function on a molecular level. Thumb me down all you want, the truth isn’t determined by a majority vote :p.
Nice video. Now we need to build one.
geet tech is a supearlitive idea
also there is a adiabatic engine from smokey unik
actualy it takes less energy to split water than you recover with standard electrochemistery
but the rate of gain is less than system losses .003
an astute scientist knows there are catylitic reaction that grant us a reprieve from thermodynamic laws by the use of sub atomic
nuclear forces , our science is not a god its a plan to learn , you cant learn if you have a closed mind
omg nodhear that was stupendous
i hope i can remember to credit youwith it
we are un worthy
the retarded accidemians and accredited portentious potentates , are just brainwased
they like to assume they are the most important and most learned, it is a destablization to have some non insider best the scientific religon
we know of open system physics like water cycles and nitrogen cycles that provide power for life .
understanding the cyclic and dynamic frottier
of green power is best left to amatures with open minds and sound judgement
Lol!! Is that from LASER?
You call it a WASER (water amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). ;)
Stan Meyer what a great guy that will FREE Humanity from the Banker/Energy Elite/@ssholes control.
hei! i just want to tell u what i think regarding Meyer, because i have been working on it for years.
i believed in Meyer. i followed him. but i am pretty sure now that i was fooled.
i was you years ago. so i know how its like to back up something that you believed in. so let me give you an advice:
instead of posting videos about Meyer’s document to convince people, why don’t you replicate his work? if it works, people will believe you. i would believe you. but it has to work =)
I don’t know if anyone has noticed but you can get all 3 said gasses from the the water. There is a video that shows Joe running one of his Joe cells an you can clearly see the 3 gasses 1 the noncombustible oxygen 2 unshure but it produces an implosive effect 3 an explosive effect with a yellow flame hydrogen. Find the video it is very long but well worth the time.
Breaking water into hydrogen and oxygen consumes an enormous amount of energy (always at least slightly greater than what’s produced when you recombine them during the burning process). Every reputable scientist and engineer is well aware of this fact. There is no “free energy” lunch from a chemical reaction.
This is one of the best videos on the net in regards to S.Meyers technology.
Would like to add that his device was comparable to a laser in some respects but also looks like any typical welder by using the non-combustible gases to get the reaction he is looking for.
Another thing to look at is where he is “pulling” electrons from. Which would be the water itself. Have to visualize where the electron flow is going, in direction, in the voltage fields themselves. Electron flow, extraction.
“Most of the energy used to drive the piston comes from the fracturing of water into the gas”
When I heard that the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and I was hooked on the rest of the video :D
Thanks a lot for explaining Meyer’s documents to those of us lacking the ability to udnerstand them!
Yep, you are living in a dream world. Keep wasting time, effort and money on this scam. Some day you will get a V8 moment which involves slapping yourself on the forehead and saying: ‘duhhhhh’.
very soon