Part 2 of 2. Is there an oil conspiracy or is it just economics at work? I hear a lot of people discussing the issue with very few facts brought into the debate. While I understand the disgust for the current price issues I think you have to look at the real root cause of a problem to fix it. I discuss the issue in an attempt to show the laws of economics are working while the government is stepping its foot in the door and holding back the free market. Total run time under 10 minutes for the first video and 4 for the second video.
13 Responses
You predict what will happen in the future by looking at the past.If the past is any indication of the use of technology in the future then even China and India will follow suit (and have).Americans will continue to pursue ‘greener’ technology, and consumer sovereignty dicates that corporations will obey.Its true that they wont do it out of love but that makes no difference.OPEC went to far, now the shift has begun to move from oil.Brazil just made one of the largest oil discoveries in history.
I will be the first to say sorry about the dick comment, but…
Who is to say what capital intensive countries will do in the future. It would be nice to think that new technology would lead to “cleaner” pollution but i don’t believe that coropration will do so because the environoment has no relitive cost.
Peoples preferance have to change, with increasing populations there will be increased wastes.
We are only running out of cheap oil (oil is in shale rock,Green River Formation).
I guess your saying Im a dick because I dont care about the environment? Im talking about economics here. The environment is a seperate issue. However, as a country moves toward a higher level of human capital intensive processes it will use more advanced systems to lower its wastes. The current drop in price in oil will bring about a new round of oil usage as demand increases, but not to the degree as we have used in the past (per capita). What I said would happen already has happened.
This guy does not care about the environoment. Nuclear plants, drill everywhere, man what about life on earth. dick!
bullshit.. oil discoveries have been decreasing since the 70s not increasing, what data do you have to suggest this
…finally someone talking about the government making more profit than the oil companies are making.
Not sure about Nuclear, rather have that than coal, but the nuclear waste :((Yucca mountain)
overall great videos
…agree that letting the oil sit is a waste, we can move to clean energy (pv, thermodynamic solar, sterling engine generators, wind, etc..) and use the oil we have, but the markets must be in control, (sound money)
…agree that something needs to be done, instead of the blaming based on whatever benefits the blamer (Congress “interrogating” the Oil Execs, etc)
great comment about the government being hard on doing business in the US, too many laws, we need smaller federal government!
good points, yes the other countries are having oil price increases, but because their currencies are inflating, many tied to the US dollar, all the central banks in trouble… but mostly because of the US currency dominating them (forcing them to inflate)…. then you have the oil supply issues like you talked about, they are real tight… more to be found but not right now!
good points on “suing the corporations”, and the “real goal” of what Congress does (to get re-elected)
I agree with most of what you have to say except I think the issue of ‘peak oil’ is playing a sizeable role in what is happening, I dont think it is solely one problem like our government eventhough I think that they have a role with this problem too.
And btw we should use oil to create a substainable sociaty with as much comfort as possible. At the time when renewable energy and fossil fuels are equally cheap/expensive it’s already too late to make the transfear imo.
I would like to see what data you used for the new oil discoveries. It contradicts what i read, both global and us wise.
I pay 1940’s Prices for gas
Don’t believe me
Too bad for you
you are a loser
I have a method which Guarantees you will pay the lowest prices since the 1940’s
See the feature vid in my profile
Ha !!! To all you naysayers