The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. How do you get all that solar power down to earth? Do you “beam ” it? If you could beam it down, Couldn’t we beam it to our house now from power plants now like wi fi?

  2. Just watched a video of solar power transfer over a distance of 1.5km with over 82% efficiency – That was back in 1972 – The technology is already here. This is the future,.

  3. @RegnevaDeksam I totally agree with you on the size it would have to be. I’m sorry if my tone earlier was patronizing, it just seemed like you were bringing up things that didn’t have a bearing on it.

  4. seems like a nice way but i have a few problems.
    you may create more jobs but on the flip side you expend jobs to so that isn’t a good point to make.
    and does the predicted energy requirement for the future years consider the possible slow down in human population due to lack of room?
    and how many satellites are required to fill that need?
    and how can they transmit power 24/7? geostationary ones will follow your place into the dark of night and polar ones will be behind the earth half the time


  6. @n8style PS, my point is of the size that would be needed to be built, 100’s of km, Now before you make a comment, do you understand of the enormity of scale they are talking about, did you ponder how my statement reflects on the postings and the statements made in this video, or did you just want to big note yourself, in a fools attempt to show that you know more than some else

  7. Well, no I am not getting them mixed up, I was making a point not giving a physics lecture, as you can tell from the absence of formulas. Read the point and don’t get anal about the wording. now if you want to get into a discussion of entropy or thermodynamics then drop me a line, but the complexity’s of the physics would not be beneficial to the discussion. In other words become a big picture person, so you dont miss what is happening around you

  8. @Sommthing1 That’s unlikely, the volume of space to put these things in is immense, everyone could a personal one and it wouldn’t matter

  9. @lucasleivia Interesting idea, the tanks are purpose built tho and it’s not going to be very easy to make them into something else as well.

  10. A big problem is all the high speed debris in space waiting to punch holes in those solar panels.

  11. @RegnevaDeksam You may be mixing up the 2nd law of thermodynamics with the impossibility of perpetual motion. This idea has nothing to do with either of them.

  12. fuck u man, this is such bullshit it’s not even funny… There’s enough solar power alone to power the planet 1000 time at least…

  13. This is the way of the future. As always, science and technology are the final salvation of mankind. If technology fail then it’s the end of civilization. It’s sad to know that the US spend so little money on these things. Example: Large Hadron Collider cost 9 billion. Iraq war? 991billions and counting.

  14. Alternative energy has enough potential to power our needs, especially geothermal and solar power, they each have the potential to be more efficient then oil easily, unfortunately abundance of energy is not something your likely to see for a long time, even though its possible that 10 years from now we could have way more energy then we need, its about profit, so the only solution your likely to see is something they can control and market.

  15. why all the downer comments on this video. this concept can save the world in so many ways.

  16. @ORVX I agree, thats the point I made, It seems that its all a grab for money, there are some well intentioned people out their, but, all this hype is harming the true cause. Entropy laws says you cannot get out more than you put in, the best you could ever get is a 1 to 1 energy exchange, with that amount of power required, how big will it have to be, Dubai International Airport is the largest building made by man at 1.5km2 this would be a spec compared to what would have to be built in space.

  17. @bagtaggar I think you can make comments like that when you can answer question about the project. So, how big will it be, how are we going to manufacture 10 million times more photoelectric cells than we have ever made, what are the atmospheric affects of transferring so much power to earth. PS I dont know ORVX, its just your ignorance Im commenting on.

  18. I agree, thats the point I made, It seems that its all a grab for money, there are some well intentioned people out their, but, all this hype is harming the true cause. Entropy laws says you cannot get out more than you put in, the best you could ever get is a 1 to 1 energy exchange, with that amount of power required, how big will it have to be, Dubai International Airport is the largest building made by man at 1.5km2 this would be a spec compared to what would have to be built in space.

  19. The greatest inspiration to science is sci-fi
    The greatest hindrance is that people believe the sci-fi.
    Sci-fi = (science fiction, movies, shows, books)
    It seems to me that all these big companies with big ideas all after big money.
    Why is it that I can email the top 12 companies for more info, and none bother to email back????

  20. @insane66613 As for people listening to me, well I did not ask anyone to listen to me, I am assuming that are not dyslexic and are capable of reading, if not understanding, I posed some question, I did not ask anyone to list to me.

  21. @insane66613 Well yes, I am dyslexic and yes English is not my first language (how many do you speak) Dude sounds like you are highly educated, it never entered into you mind to look at the concepts and not the text. Now as quantum mechanics is my field of interest, I do understand the relevance of the experiment, and am happy to put my mathematical knowledge against someone who thinks that 666 and 13 are cool.

  22. Well yes, I am dyslexic and yes English is not my first language (how many do you speak) Dude sounds like you are highly educated, it never entered into you mind to look at the concepts and not the text. Now as quantum mechanics is my field of interest, I do understand the relevance of the experiment, and am happy to put my mathematical knowledge against someone who thinks that 666 and 13 are cool.

  23. the god partial? colluder? dude you don’t even know how to spell, why should we listen to you. do you have any idea the technology that comes from such experiments not to mention the vast new understandings about the universe? this is why people don’t listen to you.

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