The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

30 Responses

  1. The Talmudic Jews believe Jesus was not a gift from God, but that Mary was a whore. They also think Jesus used witchcraft. You can observe their general ‘respect’ for Jesus in the following Israeli show: /watch?v=JA6vRC1xW_c

  2. You need to go one step futher and reconise Mohamed (PBUH)… Jesus (PBUH) Is not God, he is as you said a humain special humain BUT NOT God. And God is God and everything bellong to Him, He does not need a son,

  3. i have had jews for jesus treat me with such love and kindness that no church i have ever gone into did . they didnt care that i was wearing jeans with holes in them and had earings in my ears at all they invited me in service with them and every one there came up to me and either shook my hand or gave me a hug all races and colors there . the jews for jesus temple is what true christians should be like . the love i felt from every one there is something i wont forget ever . i felt at home .

  4. @DroppedGT He has already done that, it’s the rulers of this World that will not allow it. You can still convert your own vehicle to run on water, so do that and you will be good to go. Then thank Jesus for giving this knowledge to all of mankind to help make a better World.

  5. Good vid, now it’s time for all to be baptized into the NAME of YESHUA for the REMISSION of sins, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-6, Acts 22:16, John 20:31. It is through that special name that we have this great salvation. Wash away your sins with this name. Godspeed

  6. I’ve seen alot of this. This is the norm now, on religious radio and such. Basically, it is how Jews infiltrate and subvert Christian church. So it’s no longer Christianity but Judeo Christian. Basically they push New Testament aside and focus on Old Testament. Next you know, you have all these Christians declaring Jews as Chosen people. What? What point in being Christian then? Also, if the Jewish infiltrator is right, then why don’t Jews just convert to Christan? Either way, it’s wrong message

  7. а я верю в Бога и Иисус Христос мой спаситель он забрал мои грехи болезни и проклятия и пригвоздил ко кресту умер за меня пошел в ад за мои грехи и на3 день воскрес из мертвых для моего оправдания I believe in God and Jesus Christ my savior, he took my sins and the curse of sickness and nailed to the cross died for me to go to hell for my sins and na3 day he rose from the dead for my justification

  8. Can Jesus bless us by eliminating the need for fossil fuels and allowing water power to exist in its place?

  9. Jesus said, “But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.” -Matthew 10:33

  10. @jfjweb Shut your eyes in a burning building, ask jesus to save you and you will burn. walk out the friggin fire exit and you live. Jesus lies. So does the Church, they want your money and your free will. I pity you for being under their illusion. We have developed consciousness since the times of fire and the wheel, thats why our brains are oversided in compasrison to any other living thing. We are the result of chaos and energy and the laws of the universe and nature.

  11. religon is the root of evil, and is the reason 99.9 of all wars are fought throughout history. What the f***k has this got to do with free energy anyhow. It seems alot of people are quick to dismiss meyers work as bs, but so many millions beleve the bs of religon and are so quick to ram it down our throats, especialy if we are vunrable or are in dire need, keep it to yourselfs and your fellow deciples, and if you want to help people do it for the sake of being a good person…

  12. Oh my God is bigger and better then yours!, etc, etc bla bla bla
    Why are all these Gods male, when its females that give birth to things!
    Where is gods Mother?????
    I smell BS

  13. Religion is hypocritical… meh this was interesting and yet is equally boring and repetitive

  14. @lynel1985 Don’t be swayed by delusional people who believe in an invisible man in the sky! Instead of religion or faith, it should be called what it is…insanity!

  15. @MenechemShaul So…2 pieces of fiction written by jews, and I jewish “historian” are absolute proof that a dude named jesus existed? No other historian of the time mentions him, except for Josephus…which even the christians hold up as proof of his existence!
    Isn’t it curious that the story of jesus is nearly identical to the story of Joseph? Coincidence? I think not! Just a case of “inspired” plagiarism!
    Realizing the similarity, the writer (high on manna) made it 30 pieces of silver…

  16. @chemao1978 i couldnt agree more. Think of it as we are living the “Truman Show”.

  17. @jfjweb jesus was invented to keep religeon (based around the jewish faith) relevant some 2000 years ago, as we are led to beleive.

    If any faith had merit it would be the Jewish faith. The fact of the matter is, Humans evolved like everything else today from millions of years or evolution and natural selection. THere MAY have been a creator in the begining, as life itself i believe to be unnatural, but where we are now has nothing to do with them. Think the “truman show”

  18. @jfjweb This is exactly what I am talking about when I say I am against your Tactics and doctrinal statements!How dare you attack your brother the way you are!Does Ahavat Yisrael not mean anything to you!You should be responding in love not in contempt!I am Still Orthodox,My Pastor can vouch for this(He was raised Reform he calls me up to the Bimah to lead Shabbat liturgy),I have great success responding to our people because I do it out of love,text and prayer!You oughttobe ashamed of yourself!

  19. @lynel1985 I speak as an Orthodox Jew who has come to faith Their is absolute proof found within Talmud, Scripture and even Josephus that Proves Yeshua!

  20. I am against JFJ’s Doctrine. I am Also against JFJ’s mandate when it comes to their tactics of evangelism (Sending them to Sunday Church’s instead of Messianic Shuls as well as trying to make non Jewish Christians out of them), I still do however love hearing my people come to know Mashiacheynu!

  21. ahahahahah you looser’s now know your rong with all the new info hahahahaha

  22. it’s all about standing waves

    what frequency range are you in? khz, mhz, ghz?

  23. Rob Matthies
    backup 604-875-9082 x1 leave message
    2524 Alberta St, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 3L1

  24. A further reply to anybody reading LyrumusX’s comment: If you’re into Browns Gas experiments, don’t believe anybody except your own experiments. (That’s how I got to making one of the top 3 inventions cited by Canadian Business magazine.)

    IMO much, if not most, of the info on Youtube and other boards (e.g. EVDL) are incorrect.

Stan Meyer’s story

Donate to Jews for Jesus Stan Meyer gives his story of how he came to know Yeshua as his Messiah but kept his faith secret until he realized how pleasing God and loving his people meant telling others about the true Savior of the world. Video produced by Coral Ridge Ministries as part of the Coral Ridge Hour.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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Video Rating: 0 / 5