The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Stanley MEYER – Water Fuel Cell Part 4 Molecular Dissociation of Water: A Project for the Experimenter by Dan Danforth In the original setup that Stan Meyer showed us, he used 36 volts as the basic potential applied to the reaction chamber. He also commented that stainless steel ( 410 not 403 ) was the only metal that could be used as oxides formed with all others. His original chamber used 18 inch long by 0.375 inch diameter (od) rod surrounded by 1 inch diameter (id) 16 inch long pipe. The reason for the difference in length is for mechanical ease of construction. My prototype used 14 inch long rod and 12 inch long pipe of similar diameters as the drawing indicates. Having a severe lack of parts diversity here in Sri-Lanka, I was only able to obtain a 24 volt. 8 amp transformer and built my circuitry around that. The final output is 20 volts with Ml reading 10 amps to the pulsing circuit which generates a symetricel squarewave ( 50% duty cycle ) to the flyback inductor connected in series with the chamber as the schematic shows. The flyback high voltage spike is directed across the chamber via c* end d*. The use of a high voltage spike alone, without the current being delivered through the liquid, will not cause the disassociation to take place. This I verified using an ignition coil in place of the inductor and applied the secondary with halfwave rectification and blocking capacitor to prevent burn out to the chamber with no results. Apparently the current in