The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. Land of the free LOL

    free to do what you want if you have big money and lobbies, thats the only freedom i see there and in the rest of the world for all that matters, we must turn things around and get some justice back or else there will be a time that our grandchildren will think that things have always been like this and they will stop fighting big corporations and big corporations tend to get even bigger and every time they do get bigger they get more power out of we the people

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  3. That comment comparing the oil ruining the coastline and fishing to ” having your 16 yr old daughter raped by hells angels” was a fukkin sick thing to say…..shame on him.

  4. It’s all about the shareholders money, and profits. It’s just more proof of how low big business will go to make profits, and not be held accountable for their actions. Anything they’ll lose on lawsuits and cleanup, will just be passed on to the consumer anyway. This is what’s wrong with greed and corruption in business and governments worldwide. Only the victims will suffer and pay, and the rich will always get richer, at any cost to the victims.

  5. @bigsmoke777 I think what your referring to is now called Global Up/Down….. At least that’s what I call it now.

  6. @bigsmoke777 lolololol “Global warming does not mean its going to get warm” lolololol did you just say that……….. man your smart….
    Here is the REAL definition of Global: warming an increase in the earth’s atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution

  7. @jayrod59 Other technologies are not yet viable, solar panels have to be way to big, wind generators have to be way to many… Ethanol requires oil power to generate, hydrogen is a pipe dream that costs more than you get out out of it.
    oil unfortunately is the easiest way and unfortunately these spill are making the price of oil shoot up which is what they’ve wanted since oil was first discovered.

  8. Dear Friends, there is a man who says that East Asian (who are mongoloid) women come to him all the time, because he is White. But when he tells them he is mixed with Native American (also mongoloid) ancestry, the women leave. He wants to write a book about it, but he is afraid of getting assassinated. It is scary to be faced with negative energies, but with my spiritual training, I can be brave. I know that when I post my comments, someone out there is comforted. God bless you, my Friends.

  9. God help us! I am a White woman who was ~switched~ with a Korean family when I was a kid. They kept it a secret that I was White, and tried to pass me off as some sort of magical royalty. No I was not adopted. I got into so much trouble with East Asian people over it! East Asia is incredibly obsessed with European skin. They put skin lighteners in almost every skincare product there. And plastic surgery is affordable and accessible to East Asian teenagers looking to Europeanize. Amen.

  10. @bigsmoke777 You need to learn to express yourself more effectively. then you won’t need to resort to profanity. OBTW my brain was well developed 20 years before you were even a little squirt. I have forgotten more about Meteorology than you will ever know

  11. lol of course the scientists who find evidence against exxon aren’t providing credible scientific facts. Fuckin corporate lawyers….

  12. @sparwood8 Global warming does not mean its going to get warm, it means the weather systems are changing , you fucking retard grow a brain

  13. If all of the Alaskan people, all of the fish and the rest of the wildlife were covered and suffocating in crude oil, some one from the offending oil company would say that “our recent studies show that there are no negative effects from the oil spill”, just like they are saying in Ecuador.

  14. the world is run by corporations, and the governments will do anything to protect these corporations. what a sad world

  15. man i remember when this happend my dad was up thair fishing on the f/v destiny out of blaine wa they stopped fishing and helped with the clean up four a couple weeks he made money that year

  16. @sparwood8 “Brits hate the US”…. I think this documentary is more credible than your retarded explanation

  17. those greedy oil executives are the embodiment of everything that is wrong with humanity.

  18. @sparwood8 There is a diffrence between ‘climate’ and ‘weather’, Too bad you cannot see it.

  19. @Zanyon101
    The truth is that epidemics are known for wiping out species. There’s like a fungus that is leading to the extinction of Frogs in North and South America.

The Legacy Of Exxon Valdez

30 June 2008 Exxon Valdez leaked more than 40 million litres of crude oil into Alaska’s pristine waterways nineteen years ago. Today, oil is still polluting the shores and bankrupted fishermen are still waiting for the billion payout granted in 1994. After a series of appeals by the company, billion became .5. Now that the case has reached the increasingly pro-business US Supreme Court, fishermen fear they could end up with nothing. While ExxonMobil claims the area has returned to robust health, locals tell of vastly depleted fish stocks, which almost disappeared after the spill. ExxonMobil claims the fish fell victim to a virus, a theory disputed by the fishermen, who are backed by scientific evidence: ‘The fish can’t disappear like they’re telling the public. [Exxon’s] explanation just isn’t practical,’ says an expert. As the legal case drags on, a fifth of the plaintiffs have died and the rest have lost hope. For them, Exxon has already won no matter what. Yet the oil giant keeps repeating that the spill was a tragic accident and that the company has acted responsibly towards the local communities. Fishermen whose livelihoods were wrecked feel cheated: ‘Exxon says that everything’s coming back and everything’s fine– it’s a lie.’ Produced by ABC Australia Distributed by Journeyman Pictures
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