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23 Responses

  1. YOU MORONS! INSTEAD OF BELIEVING THIS WHICH IS TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT, READ THE WASHINGTON TIMES FULL Washington Times Sept 10, 2001 and it will take you directly to the full article. Has nothing to do with 911 attack. SAMS is our military think tank stating a worst scenario if we put soldiers on Israel soil during Israel Palestine peacekeeping. Gee, dont believe everything on youtube to be true!!

  2. 9-11 was a Mossad operation and “Bush-Cheney-Giuliani” are all some good little Yiddish “Goyim” house boys to cover up the Satanic Ritual to Lucifer. How about the 10 Israeli’s who were arrested driving truck bombs in NY on 9-11, just a coincidence-Israeli’s have been driving bombs into Gentile cities for Centuries.

  3. Who was the first Murderer and Liar in the World- Cain who begot the Canaanites. If you look like a Israeli and quack like an Israel then your certain to be also a Baby Killing Canaanite and a global war monger who provides sheckels to both sides.

  4. Hey”nolieundead” Fool -What about the 10 Israeli’s/Canaanites apprehended driving truck bombs in downtown NY on 9-11? What about the Israeli/Canaanites attack on the USS Liberty to enter Vietnam? Who prints all the worlds money-7 Canaanite families owns Federal Res? Who are all Yiddish FAGELAS- Fags, where Yiddish comes from- Kazakhstan Ashke-Nazi’s.

  5. All you have to do is follow the sheckels and wars created by American Zionism for the past 230 years, you moron.

  6. muslims did 911 by the name of muhammad and you know it !

    muslims did 911 by the name of muhammad and you know it !

    muslims did 911 by the name of muhammad and you know it !

    muslims did 911 by the name of muhammad and you know it !

  7. muslims did 911 by the name of muhammad and you know it !

    muslims did 911 by the name of muhammad and you know it !

    muslims did 911 by the name of muhammad and you know it !

    muslims did 911 by the name of muhammad and you know it !

  8. muslims did 911 by the name of muhammad and you know it !

    muslims did 911 by the name of muhammad and you know it !

    muslims did 911 by the name of muhammad and you know it !

    muslims did 911 by the name of muhammad and you know it !

  9. You want to know the truth,then,read the most important book in your life,NEW World Order,Wars,Famine,Destruction of America,etc.
    Who Is Esau-Edom…Who Is Esau-Edom…

  10. MOSSAD MOSSAD MOSSAD…got any proof that is verifiable, you know not a mysterious Donald Sutherland that no one can even show exist? no? thought so.

  11. the zionist’s are working in the us gov…they tell the prez. what to do. they run home land security. and israel is profiting from the u.s. fighting there war’s

  12. the zionist’s are working in the us gov…they tell the prez. what to do. they run home land security. and israel is profiting from the u.s. fighting there war’s

  13. This Probably will come out the wrong way,But sometimes I wish Hitler had killed all the Jews.

  14. Mossad agents were caught on 911 filming from new jersey and arrested. They were observed before and after filming and cheered and celebrated after the planes hit

  15. You hit right on! Satan be here for along time, working right along with the beast rome and their jesuit army. CHRISTIAN BETTER WAKE UP BECAUSE THE ANTI-MESSIAH IS THEIR JESUS. THEIR GOING TO FIND OUT HOW MUCH KILLING HAS BEEN DONE IN THE NAME. JESUS IS THE FIRST WHITE HORSEMEN.

  16. It really does not matter at this point who did it but what it has done to the world!
    Alan Watt tells the truth about what we are up against. Worldwide participation is needed to fight it, anyone who thinks freedom is worth a fight you are needed, the window of opportunity is closing forever. Start with Alan Watt prisonplanet vid, it only has Alex Jones intro, I can’t stand listening to AJ babble either.

  17. Zionist & Jesuit both, if Satan exists he is already here and hiding behind the catholic church!

  18. I am just confused as to why one of the [Top Comments], has a mad man stating things such as “THE PRINCE OSAMA BIN LADEN = THE MESSIAH & HE IS BACK,” and some how everyone here is happy to leave him with [thumbs up].

    If you have any shred of decency, it would be in the best interest of humanity to thumbs down the messed up comment that may actually be taken to heart by a fool, if not brought down in rating [thumbs down].

  19. watch on youtube. US shouldiers are waking up. watch how your birth certificate is writing on a bank note, israel compared to the US and europe is a back water nation

  20. you people are nuts, although israel maybe rich, they are totally at the mercy of the UN, if not the anti jew nuts over there would just run them over, 911 was done by the US government, plain and simple, it isnt israel at war profiting from war right now, it the criminals in our own US government, profiting from this

  21. So many progroms since the beggining of the Common Era, in so many cities and countries, definitely there’s got to be something wrong with this people…

The Military KNOWS Israeli AGENTS did 911 (Using Israel as a smoke screen cover)

The Washington Times September 10, 2001- Of the MOSSAD, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: “Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.”- Please watch the film 9/11 Missing Links- Now you will discover the definitive truth about 9/11 and learn why even the most popular movies on the subject have failed to address the evidence exhaustively presented in this video. The facts will make it abundantly clear that the so-called 9/11 Truth movement has been infiltrated and is ultimately controlled by the same criminal group who masterminded the attacks. As they say, if you want to control the dissent you lead the dissent. Utilizing evidence from the FBI, CIA, NSA, US Armed Forces Intelligence sectors, Foreign Intelligence organizations, local law enforcement agencies and independent investigators, Missing Links goes where no other 9/11 video has dared to. Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!!- The Information Underground- Israeli gas pipelines- Israel is in the midst of its plan to use the United States military, which it controls, to conquer Iraq and divert Iraqi oil to the Haifa refinery via the Mosul to Haifa pipeline. Thankyou to reamonnk’s channel- Full interview here- Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former director of studies at
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