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19 Responses

  1. I don’t get why Tony Hayward is blamed for having a day off. Seriously, what do they expect him to do? He is already paying a team of specialists to find a solution to that problem! The media is one conniving bitch…interviewing two loons on the street to substantiate their position. You can even go one step farther: if you have a car, you’re just as much to blame!

  2. Im also pissed about the other people in the yacht race, I woulda been tryin to sink his boat.

  3. Tony Hayward is a dumb fuck.Why would you want to hurt innocent people thats trying to make an average liven .

  4. I generally imagined irony to be something measured over time. Instead, with this case, it arrived rather swiftly.

    “I just ruined an entire section of the Ocean, Why not take a nice race on a yacht to clear up my head?!”

  5. mr hayward..u should be a gentleman and pay everybody who has lost their livelihood..rather than enjoying a boat race…
    take responsibility….may the pain that those who are going through now in the affected states fall on u only then will u realise what hey r going through

  6. tony and obama are fools, this is day 62 of this mess and what are they really doing about it…. nothing!! the wild life have no chance. i agree that tony and obama dont need a break and obama should give a rats ass. I hope with this G8 and G20 going on in canada that potesters get in their faces and make a point.

  7. Maybe Rahm Emanuel should heed his own advice- his boss, Obama, needs to stop spending so much time on the golf course, attending ball games and concerts during a national crisis. Obama doesn’t seem to care about the”little people” either does he.

  8. But that was after going through the guests list for the regular Wed Night shindig so he did do some desk work.

  9. Mr. Hayward should be in prison for his part in the Gulf of Mexico catastrophe. BP has hired mercenaries to keep the public and media away. BP is do nothing to clean this horrific environment mess up. In fact, BP is keeping people from saving wild life and clean up the oil.

    This spill looks to have been deliberately done. Heads should roll.

  10. His private time is nothing to do with anyone.
    He spent a lot of time last week in front of a kangaroo court which was a farce.

    If I recall both the rig and its crew were on lease to BP…

    BP have complied and tried to contain this disaster. They didn’t run and hide like Union Carbide did. Give the guy a break

  11. wow im really glad that the chief tony hayward was able to enjoy his time on the clean water in england, way to go tony. O by the way i guess you don’t give a crap about what is going on in the US, i wonder how you sleep knowing that you are killing anything and everything out in the water. But at least you were able to enjoy yourself on that yacht called bob.. well i hope you and bob ae very happy cause i think you wont have a can to piss in once you get sued.

  12. The Annual JP MORGAN Around the Island Race ……… That about says it all.

The next day, Tony Hayward spends the day at a yacht race

BP chief executive Tony Hayward took a day off Saturday to see his 52-foot yacht “Bob” compete in a glitzy race off England’s shore, a leisure trip that further infuriated residents of the oil-stained Gulf Coast. While Hayward’s pricey ship whipped around the Isle of Wight on a good day for sailing – breezy and about 68 degrees – anger simmered on the steamy Gulf Coast, where crude has been washing in from the still-gushing spill. “Man, that ain’t right. None of us can even go out fishing, and he’s at the yacht races,” said Bobby Pitre, 33, who runs a tattoo shop in the crossroads town of Larose, La. “I wish we could get a day off from the oil, too.” BP spokespeople rushed to defend Hayward, who has drawn withering criticism as the public face of BP PLC’s halting efforts to stop the worst offshore oil spill in US history. Company spokesman Robert Wine said the break is the first for Hayward since the Deepwater Horizon rig BP was leasing exploded April 20, killing 11 workers and setting off the undersea gusher. “He’s spending a few hours with his family at a weekend. I’m sure that everyone would understand that,” Wine said. He noted Hayward is a well known as a fan of the JP Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race, one of the world’s largest, which attracts more than 1700 boats and 16000 sailors as famous yachtsmen compete with wealthy amateurs in a 50-nautical mile course around the island at England’s southern tip. “Bob” finished fourth in its group. It was not