The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

7 Responses

  1. No, most of our fertilizer comes from oil. so when we run out a lot more will change than just driving.

  2. How can we break out if people won’t switch power plants to non-fossil fuels? Society is so against nuclear, and so far renewable sources lack the power for mass use.

  3. No not through Hybrid vehicles. Hybrid vehicles are just that…a combination of electric AND gasoline powered vehicles. Im not a big fan electric vehicles anyways. I would prefer to see us go to Hydrogen powered (Internal combustion engine), or a straight ethonal powered vehicle.

  4. The oil industry does not care what fuel it sells as long as it makes money.

    The short answer is NO. The fuel savings is not nearly enough. Also, most likely, your house pollutes more than your car. Auto Emmissions are just a small part of the Total Energy comsumption problem we have and the resulting pollution. The best way to ease us off of Fossil Fuels is to be as efficient as possible in all areas of our daily lives, and Support Nuclear Power, More Hydro-electric, and Wind Power. That is where we will see the best bang for our buck in cleaning up the environment via energy production. Great Question!

  5. Our dependency on fossil fuels is a huge business. The oil producers will not ever let go of that cash cow until we are out of oil. With vast preserves under the arctic ice, we probably are several decades away from any great concerns. However we need to ween ourselves of as much as we can. Corporate America will never get behind any real conservation effort, unless they find the demand for oil and its by products falling. Since the US Government plan is to use up all of the oil on the other side of the planet and work towards the US, we will never have large scale Government support for any alternative fuel until the end of oil is in sight.

  6. No. Since the majority of electricity generated in the world comes from coal burning power plants electric cars are not envirionmentally friendly. Hybrid cars still use fossil fuels and absolutely require them for their function.

    I am not sure what you mean by “staying alive against the big business of the oil industry” Much of the research in this area is being done by the oil industry (BP for example).

Thru electric and hybid vehicles, is it really possible to break our dependency on fossil fuels?

The development of hybrid and electric vehicles is evidence that we do indeed have the technology to make our lives better and environment cleaner in the world of transportation….but is there really a chance that alternative powered vehicles have a chance of staying alive against the big business of the oil industry?