these tips changed my life! i hope they will help you guys as well :) want to make my day? SUBSCRIBE! ;D “Like” my Facebook Page! I recently made one :P www.facebook.com My Formspring (ask me questions!) www.formspring.me comments from satisfied viewers: i like my curls but they are so hard to manage. but i started using olive oil and then wrapping my hair up in a hot towel for about 15 min, then washing it out, and it worked wonders. my hair is so soft and shiny after. i do that about once a wk. -rokkelbc Thank you so much! I tried this method today, and I already notice the difference! My hair is really REALLY thick and curly AND frizzy. But when I applied the olive oil after shampooing, when it air-dried it was pretty decent and controlled. -Mariewasinger WOOOW !!! THIS CHANGED MY HAIR SOO MUCH !!! I LOVE IT NOW !!! -MegaPrInCeSsXoXo OH JUST SO U NO….this really has changed my life!!:) -daniellesam YES OLIVE OILS DOES WORK!! :-) -509NORMA OMG, I tried your olive oil tip and it worked wonders!! thnx a lot! -facrun OH EM GEE. I just did this couple hours again! After my hair dried, it was not frizzy and it was maintained n etc. This changed my life amd how i do my hair. THANK YOU.! -animeeloverr12
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