Question by cory j: Top 10 Reasons Why I Love George Bush?
10. No mushroom clouds have been seen… not yet, at least.
9. Iraq is becoming a religious state, just like America should be!
8. We are prouder to be Americans because at least we think we’re free
7. We get to to fight the terrorists over there, which creates more terrorists, which we will then fight again… over there
6. We didn’t exchange blood for oil, we exchanged it for basically nothing
5. We avenged the death of 2,792 Americans by killing another 2,928
4. Iran now wants to help us
3. WMDs were found… in North Korea
2. Being in the National Guard became very exciting
1. Saddam got a shave
Best answer:
Answer by xstreetplayax101
haha yoo your brilliant i love it!
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