The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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36 Responses

  1. @MichaelPayton67 Here. Research this guys references, and tell me what you think.


  2. @MichaelPayton67 I don’t have a peer-reviewed article for you. I’m sure you can find one or two if you do a literature review yourself. But, I have seen countless interviews with parents who’s babies were not autistic before they received the vaccine. Furthermore, it might be short-sighted on your part to think there is not big money in vaccines, that the top medical schools and journals are not funded by big pharmaceutical, or that the medical establishment has any interest in “curing” you.

  3. @WhatsReallyGoingOnUS

    I don’t own a TV and all of the evidence I’ve gathered on vaccines were from peer-reviewed medical journals. LInk me to a SINGLE peer reviewed journal that links vaccines to autism. And I hope for your sake it isn’t the one that was retracted by literally every single one of it’s authors. Comment here or PM me. I’ll be waiting.

  4. @MichaelPayton67 Keep watching TV and taking your vaccines. Maybe you don’t know that MMR has been directly linked to Autism, over and over and over. Look it up.

  5. Yet another fail video from you retards. Anti-vaccination programs kill people you idiots. I hope none of the people in your life listen to you and get sick because of your idiotic campaign.

  6. This anti-freeman thing is so convoluted its scary. I don’t understand why the RCMP cares… so you loose a few people to a life of freedom, so what?

  7. Coconut oil is supposed to be the best, so I heard. I know it helps cure Alzheimer’s in studies, and has Omega-3.

  8. olive oil has a pretty low burning point, the best cooking oils are coconut, palm and avocado.

  9. The first question she is asked is:
    “How are we getting oil out of the (estimated) 170 billion barrels of oil out of the Athabasca Oil Sands?”, to which she replies “It’s a complicated technical process, but over the last few years there have been allot of environmental improvements.”.
    She spends the rest of the interview talking about how “Environmental Groups” are miss-spending money speaking out against the Oil Industry…
    She’s also reading from a teleprompter… Bitch IS bought.

  10. Why do people insist on calling it “Canadian” oil. It is not Canadian oil. It is Albertan oil and more importantly, it belongs to the oil companies. Canadians outside of Alberta will get nothing out of this. The NAFTA agreement explicitly forbids Canada controlling its oil exports to the United States. I wouldn’t matter anyway. Alberta will tolerate no interference with its oil industry. They are still homicidally enraged about Trudeau’s National Energy Policy.

  11. Tides Foundation is connected to George Soros. Soros (and his puppet, Obama) wants us to buy oil from Brazil (Obama: “We want to be your biggest customer”). Soros has invested a lot of money in Petrobras, and stands to make a ton more. Too bad the media won’t touch this, eh? Imagine if this was Bush or Cheney, etc…

  12. Things are resolved in Europe, where Germany, France and Italy give up nuclear energy altogether. Just a coincidence, a former canceler of Germany is now on the payroll of GazProm, Russia’s “new red army”.

  13. @oncehadacoolname

    I prefer Lork Monckton’s comparison: The Street Light Phenomenon. They claim they’re Green because they’re too Yellow to say they’re really Reds.

  14. It all comes down to one thing … if America drills its own oil or gets oil from Canada, that would keep obama from funding his terrorist buddies overseas. He refused to allow drilling in the gulf to resume until the drillers had to move to Brazil to survive. Now all of a sudden, he want’s the US to be Brazil’s “best customer”. obama is single handedly KEEPING AMERICANS from getting jobs & forcing those jobs to others.

  15. @mrjakey “It’s funny how “Progressives” always stand in the way of progress.”

    Agreed. That’s why I’ve taken to calling them regressives. Their goal is turn the USA into a third world country.

  16. This money against Canada has been known to canadians for a very long time actually. Every Canadian knows their is something fishy going on with the pipeline to America being a frequent place to plant bombs and etc. To stop the oil flow to America. These protests have been in the Canadian media multiple times and it’s known to canadians that some Americans are aganist the sands too

  17. Silly environmentalists… if nature is so good why are all the bugs trying to get into MY house?

  18. If more Canadian oil flows into the US, and the US drills for more oil domestically, that will mean less oil will have to be shipped to the US from overseas. Apparently oil from outside North America is somehow “green” and oil tankers are suddenly indestructible. Besides, what would Obama’s new friends in the Muslim Brotherhood think of him if the US was less dependant’s on Arab oil?

  19. So we have people that need help in many different ways, and these wackos can only think about what they want.
    Sure they care.. Just not about people…

  20. @Hulkmania316 Stetsonwalker is right.
    Electric cars are inefficient, and they are only as clean as the power source they are plugged into.

    Plus that electic car has thousands of parts that require oil, either as a base of that part or oil in the machines that make the parts.

  21. Wait a minute, there’s already a pipeline, the Keystone Pipeline? Well,well… that changes your narrative, aka “Propaganda”, quite a bit “Pajamamedia”. I will agree that the current environmental movement is just nuts and anti-business though.
    Why was there no mention of the current capacity of the Keystone pipeline Vs. the potential daily output from this new source of Canadian Oil?

  22. Seeing that “President” Obama
    is making it harder and harder for the US to extract its own oil,
    I thank god, (small “g” for you non believers), for Canada.
    And, hellooooooo, Vivian.

  23. @independence4wales Sounds like an excellent, objective “documentary” just like gas land ;)
    And Canada is known to be a babaric, dirty society that is unable to take care of its on resources and wildlife, especially in comparison to nice, clean environments like Venezuela, Mexico and Brazil.
    Neither does blocking the pipeline stop Canada from developing their tar sand, nor is the alternative any prettier. Eco-fascists are against ANYTHING. It’s an ideology, not a reasonable argument.

  24. @scepticsteve Google “Witness: To the Last Drop you tube” for an excellent documentary covering the problems of extracting oil from tar sands.

  25. @ObjectivistAesthetic I agree . But I think it says a lot that this lady is banging on about where charities spend their money instead of addressing the legitmate complaints of people who live in the areas surrounding the tar sands – Google “Witness: To the Last Drop you tube” for an excellent documentary covering the problems of extracting oil from tar sands.

TorontoTruthSeekers CULTURE OF CONSPIRACY Street Action August 13th 2011

Saturday August 13th 2011 TORONTO TRUTH SEEKERS street action near Yonge-Dundas Square featuring truthseekers John, Mike, Uncle Scam, and Danny Liberty talking about various topics; John describes a new Vaccine Industrial-Complex flyer, Where is Usama Bin Laden? (Tim Osman), Healthy Living CANOLA OIL WARNING with Mike of Mississauga Truth, & Conspiracy Research with Danny Liberty about JFK’s declassified CIA memo (re: UFO files), Freemason flag and the moon landing ‘the Eagle Has Landed’, Libraries versus Tim Horton’s News-story local masonic connection, Freeman-on-the-land one-page RCMP dirty tricks campaign, Medical experts promote FLUORIDE in drinking water especially for Immigrant Youth, & more.. in promotion of the Conspiracy Culture presents screening of Kubrick’s Odyssey (Sat. August 20th 2011) at Toronto Underground Cinema 186 SPADINA AVENUE – TORONTO (@ QUEEN STREET WEST), Q&A with FILMMAKER JAY WEIDNER AFTER THE SCREENING, more info: Toronto Underground Cinema Documentary trailer for KUBRICK’S ODYSSEY NOTE: in the “Secret Covenant” they state “when they come to us for help we shall give them more poison which will cause other illnesses, for which we shall invent more poison” RECOMMENDED LINKS Freemasonry Watch CANADA Fluoride Action Network HIDDEN FROM HISTORY Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice explains the RCMP E-Division
Video Rating: 4 / 5

American foundations are secretly funneling money to environmental groups in Canada to stop development of Alberta’s oil sands, says writer/researcher Vivian Krause. Who’s behind the conspiracy?
Video Rating: 4 / 5