The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. Now… How much voltage is needed? Would having a higher voltage, more of a “base,” or layering that platform give a higher thrust? If not, what would…?

  2. He is not the inventor. The Lifter uses the Biefeld-Brown effect discovered by Thomas Townsend Brown in 1928. This was a bit before this guy was even born.
    One of my sons and I built a bunch of these in my garage. it was a lot of fun making them fly. That was about 6 years ago.

    And as someone else said earlier, this was done on myth busters and they put it in a vacuum chamber, to my surprise, it wont fly in a vacuum. So, it wont work in space where there’s no oxygen to make ozone.

  3. @alienpatentoffice no no and no. ufos does not use ion wind as the ion wind craft constantainly need and energy transfer to work. true anti-gravity is gravity. there are many ways to create energy containment as force of gravity.
    i name two. the first is the most basic one, it uses ultrasonic waves pulsed feeing the mass with energy conserved as force. the second type is the same thing but by using an mangetic field pulsed as a wave to create gravitational force in a mass. energy is not fields.

  4. it is as much anti-gravity as my chair the chair im sitting in. it is using newton’s laws to outmatch to downward pull of gravity.

  5. We started to run trembling in fear, I look up it was still there. I look to where I was running, then look up. Its gone. It just pop out to another dimension.

  6. This also explains their warp move. I’ve seen the mothership do a warp move. I’ve also seen the disk shape one & it even stop on top of me & my friends. It was beautiful. No sound, No wind, No wind turbulence. It was covered with mist. It has halos of different colors pulsating. Then the sound of like a thousand distant thunders, then the sound of loud ac humming, then a ray of light found us & hit us. We were unable to move. Four hours later we found ourselves able to move. It was still above.

  7. You know what I seriously think about ufo. Because of the flight fingerprint, I believe they are able to defy our law of physics because they are navigating near our dimension but not entirely on our dimension. The manifestation we see are harmonics radiated in our dimension. They are slightly in our dimension but not totally. This I think gives them to pop in and out of our dimension as well as defy our law of physics. Also gives them time to react to every hostile moves on our part.

  8. @alienpatentoffice My Beamships have no sound either, and John Fiala has flown them in vacuum, and with a battery-powered onboard HV-unit.

  9. when you really make a ion propulsion device, then re-post on youtube, in the meantime gtfo. this is EMF propulsion dumbasses

  10. THis functions more efficiently in vacuum, as tested since the 1940s to today. It also functions under oil, which also does not ionise. Ion wind has an upper limit in air, and is insufficient a force to loft even a 5-gram model, yet models hundreds of grams to kilograms have been lofted, all over the world. We shall not be controlled any longer. We are free-thinkers, thinking outside the box of calcified dogma.

  11. The time has come for Free energy to be revealed ,But the Oil coporations life depends on covering this up,if you want a real Free energy Magnet Motor, get the blueprints at LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM ,take part in the revolution!

  12. myth busters are not gods.. they aren’t even scientists and do not know how this works. everyone plz stop taking the mythbusters word as something absolute. there is a reason why this technology is still being explored. and its nothing like a helicopter

  13. First off, Comparing Ion Wind propulsion with High Voltage Electromagnetic propulsion systems, is like comparing a Hot Air Balloon with a surface to air missile.

    Ion Wind is extremely poisonous, TriOxygen (Ozone) This is extremely enviromentally unstable and not very reliable, Because the electrons moving around the copper wire will only super heat the metal to its melting point, thus creating a craft that is extremely inefficient. lots of voltage being used.

  14. It might interest you to know that there is no wind and turbulence underneath a real ufo. Also a real ufo doesn’t wobble as it would with this ion propulsion when it hovers. I would also like to add that theres is no engine sound.

  15. Lets make this simple… I have a document which I aquired directly from NASA which details all of NASA’s experimentation on lifters and other asymmetrical capacitors. In this document it clearly states that all experiments perfromed lead them to conclude that the ion wind effect accounts for 100% of the thrust observed and that there is no other force present. Put simply there is no antigravity, artificial gravity, or gravity modification.

  16. the only reason y ppl want to disprove this is because its easy to make, talking physics u’ll see evrything is related, the world does not think a normal (not scientist nor physicist) person can creat something dat can revolutionise the way we think, it has 2 b done by som1 with a “high IQ”, da rite bros created da 1st airplane, but davinchi told dem how.

  17. Biefeld-Brown was able to produce antigravity and ion wind. he knew it created ion wind but he also knew it wasnt powerfull enough to lift the craft as high as he got it. he used the the ion wind to his advantage and used it as propulsion.

  18. Anti gravity is defined as levitation without propulsion still under the influence of a gravitational field, this uses thrust and can’t be defined so.

UFO Propulsion? Ion Wind Device

Is ion wind levitation the key to UFO levitation and propulsion? A demonstration of an ion wind lifter device is demonstrated. Is this an anti-gravity device? You decide.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

from schaubergers book and other research converted to sketchup cad. plasma generator.