www.verdebiofuel.com Interview with owner of Titan Trucking, who purchased a custom 36′ mobile biodiesel processor from Verde Biofuel. Titan runs 15 trucks – all on biodiesel – which consume about 6000 gallons per month. Verde biofuel was able to meet Titan’s needs with a custom built mobile biodiesel processor. The Benefits of Biodiesel * Biodiesel is a clean-burning alternative to petroleum diesel refined from domestic, renewable resources such as vegetable oil, recycled cooking oil or rendered animal fats. * Biodiesel is a non-toxic, inert liquid. Ordinary table salt is 10 times more toxic than biodiesel. * Unlike petroleum diesel, biodiesel is classified as non-flammable by OSHA. * Biodiesel biodegrades faster than regular sugar. * Biodiesel can be used, with no modifications, in any 1994 or newer diesel engine. * Biodiesel is EPA approved for use in motor vehicles, boats and all other diesel power plants. * The by-product created in the refining of biodiesel is glycerin, a non-toxic chemical widely used in pharmaceuticals, soaps and make-up. * Biodiesel burns much cleaner than petroleum diesel. Emissions from biodiesel have 67% less hydrocarbons, 48% less carbon monoxide, and the nastiest of all, particulate matter, is cut nearly in half (47%). * The price of biofuel is not controlled by OPEC or other organizations.