Obama opens offshore drilling of the east coast and new areas in the gulf and just two days before earth day there is a major oil platform disaster. Just a coincidence? We will probably never know for sure since the platform was completely destroyed. And yes, I know that there were safety concerns regarding this particular oil rig. Doesn’t that just make it an even better target.
8 Responses
I believe it was Iraqis hijacking submarines and driving them into the base of the platform. Did you see how much fire there was? I did not know water could burn.
Anything is possible.
That was my first thought!
Then I considered myself a tad paranoid.
Shameful what this govt has done to it’s citizens. I never would have had that idea in my head before this administration.
Doubtful. The Earth Liberation Front (America’s foremost eco-terrorism group) is founded on the principle of not harming any people or animals. It would be completely ridiculous for them to have anything to do with this and since they are the most prominent and capable group of that mindset then I’m guessing, NO, the oil rig just happened to blow up. These things happen.
Put two and two together.
An oil rig has safety violatoins, but it continues operating and explodes, creating anti-capitalist propaganda for Earth Day.
A coal mine has DOUBLE the usual annual number of safety violations in 2009, but it continues operating and explodes, killing 29 miners in the worst mine accident in 40 years, creating anti-capitalist propaganda.
If this happened on Bush’s watch, it would be blamed on Bush.
But when it happens on Obama’s watch, it is blamed on capitalism
Obama is the head of the Executive Branch. That includes all enforcement of safety regulations, including mines and oil righs.
Did Obama INTENTIONALLY slack off enforcement to cause more accidents and create anti-capitalist propaganda?
“And yes, I know that there were safety concerns regarding this particular oil rig. ”
When you hear hoof beats, think horses not zebras.
Wow, what a stupid question! It may have been “jewish lightening” but no environmental group engages in the mythical eco-terrorism that people cashing in on insurance policies claim.
The worst part is the follow-on lie “this is a worst-case scenario”. What bull. It reminds me of an idiot that I had working for me (briefly). When tasked with pressure testing a pipeline. The pressure test failed and he tells me “At least we know there is only one leak, otherwise the pressure would drop twice as fast”.
Your childish use of the death of a dozen men to try to push the agenda of greed and hate is despicable.