The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

8 Responses

  1. The WHO guidelines provide interim targets for countries that still have very high levels of air pollution to encourage the gradual cutting down of emissions. These interim targets are: a maximum of three days a year with up to 150 micrograms of PM10 per cubic metre (for short term peaks of air pollution), and 70 micrograms per cubic metre for long term exposures to PM10.

  2. Humans are the destruction of the world, but it will not stop- at least not anytime soon. We make things that we know are bad for us and our environment just so we can make a profit. Just because of that simple fact production of harmful products will never cease. The profit is just too tempting for money hungry gluttons. Chances are we won’t act until it’s too late. Sure we have small relief groups now but that doesn’t really amount to anything since this is on a global crisis.

  3. Agreed, and we are responsible for it as a whole, all of us, but I think the worst offenders are the corporations who don’t care about our environment, but we’re just as guilty for not doing enough to call them out on that. Humans will continue destroying the planet so long as a profit $$$ can be be made from it.

  4. Naw, I think you need to take a break from all that negativity because if you really want to see a change then be apart of the change that you want to see- want the earth to get better then start to “go-green” do as much as you possibly can to preserve energy and help keep the earth healthy and then you are one step closer to a solution. Start in your own community. Don’t be a spooky dooms-day type of person, do something about it.

    Good luck.

  5. oh yeah no doubt.

    say goodbye to clean healthly drinking and bathing water, we’ll all be drowining in oil pretty soon.

    what i want to know is if people really REALLY understand whats happening with this leak.

    its been spewing oil for about 3 months now, and all of the attempts to repair have failed.
    now mind you this thing is spitting a few tons of oil in to the ocean A DAY. and now the only hope they have is to build this pipe that wont be ready until August, and its not even near being a guaranteed fix.

    i know this sounds disgusting, but the same water that Julius Ceasar, Napoleon, Ghengis Khan, pissed in, washed in, and drank, is the same water that we have here now, water doesnt leave, unless it evaporates, its the single most amazing thing on the planet, because we have no idea how it got here, and now were poisoning it and this isnt something that will wash away or “take care of itself”

    because of a few assholes, now the whole world is in for the ride to the end, which will come soon.
    i believe its too late now, we dont know as much as we think we do about this universe and planet, and i think that we have some very very unexpected suprises coming, because the earth is alive and it will fight us back since we are fucking with it.

    all i can say to people is to remember, that when you’re drivng down the road, or walking to work, or school, that this whole thing is alive, just because you cant see the wind, dont mean its not there.

    this planet lives and breathes with us, and i think that if more people are conscious, REALLY CONSCIOUS of that fact they may think twice before littering, or something large, like this oil spill.

We are killing the world! who else thinks so…?

Question by Trinity paige: We are killing the world! who else thinks so…?
We are killing our world! Slowly but effientially. From the oil spills that have caused this ->
. The hurricanes and earthquakes have taken a toll as wel. We have had 3 major earthquakes including in china, chile, and haititl–> City/ss/events/wl/053110guatemalahole and this and this
I don’t get why ppl arent doing anything about it!
Who else thinks we are responisble for this?! Cause I def. do!

Best answer:

Answer by pat in the hat
we have some part to play, BP really fed up

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