The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

6 Responses

  1. “energy conserved is energy made” .
    i must appreciate that there are people who are thinking about energy conservation.
    i think people must understand that energy conservation is the nessesity of time.

  2. “How about Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. When it comes to conservation of natural resources, these are the main steps that we should take. First we need to reduce our consumption of natural resources. Let’s take water, one of the most precious natural resources, as an example. In order to reduce the consumption of water we have to fix all leaky faucets and sprinklers, take shorter showers, turn off the faucet while brushing our teeth, etc. Next we can direct grey water to the garden. Recycling water is the third step, where waste water is treated and made re-usable. Here are some more water saving tips: By following these we can save gallons of fresh water every day. A similar approach can be adopted to conserve any other natural resource.
    I think this slogan will give a holistic perspective to your poster on conservation of natural resources.”

  3. If It’s Not In Use, Turn off the Juice!

    Don’t be Fuelish!

    A Gallon Saved is $3.00 Earned

    Save Today. Survive Tomorrow. (ominous huh?)

    Flip It Off.

    Let’s Cut Carbs…Our Carbon footprint, that is.

    You Have the Power to Conserve.

    You can stop Energy Disfunction

    Conservation: It doesn’t cost. It saves.

    Live Green. Save Green.

    Waste Not. Wanna Lot.

    Waste not. Want Naught.

    Save Energy. Save Money. Save the Planet.

    Conservation, not Deprivation.

    save it to be saved.

    turn off the lights
    dont let the energy bill give you a fright

    Do it for the children.
    Draft Republicans, not beer.
    Save bumper space, reuse old bumperstickers.

    Oil is like time…. once gone will never come back…. and its going at fast rate

    Oil is draining from earth… it starts with your engine.

    Oil is like an endangered specie…. with so many poachers around…. You dont be one !

    A drop of oil conserved is a drop of oil produced

    Where conservation fails, pollution starts. Oil conservation for a clean environment.

    Generations to come will pay the price. Use oil judiciously.

    Cigrette kill you. oil burned kills earth.

    A drop of oil burned is a bucket of glacier melted…. Use it with caution

    Dont make your child ask… “What was oil ?”… Conseve today !

    Oil is called liquid gold…. one day it will cost you gold …. if you dont conserve it today !

    Water Pollution is not just harmful. It’s deadly. Stop Killing River Yamuna.

    One day oil will be costlier than gold ; so start conserving today !!! :)

What are some good slogans to promote Energy Conservation?

And what could be a good illustration for it?

Here’s one that I have:

Energy conserved is energy produced.
* I just don’t have any ideas on how to illustrate it. If you have any ideas, please share it to me :D
It will be much appreciated! Thanks!