Question by Whispering shhhhhhh: What is the worst case scenario if the next attempt, “top kill,” doesn’t work to stop the oil spill?
Best answer:
Answer by Uh oh
I have heard of a military ship that has handled things like this in the past. I don’t believe it has done so that deep, but it needs to be approved by the President (it may have already attempted too, I again am not sure). I think they will keep attempting as many options they have, they are the experts in this. They have “captured” some through the siphon and may have to resort to that until they can continue to come up with new ways to cap the hole. In the long run, whatever the result, the “inventors” of these drills and rigs will need to come up with better safety techniques and protocols. This was a bunch of men throwing their weight around to impress and rush a job. They should be fired (in both companies) immediately. All crewmen should be informed as to the ramifications of “rubber” coming up through the oil rig. “Safety awards” should not be given based on popularity. New inventors should come up with ways of capping deep water drilling, since the Sierra club is he!! bent on not having any shallow drilling. Would like to see them contribute more expertise that politicizing everything under the sun! I am sure there are several “environmental scientists” that may have the knowledge to invent a “fix” that could be standardized.
All in all, we have learned a great deal from this particular oil spill. The Exxon one was where we learned “dawn” could be used to disperse the oil as well as clean off the wildlife.
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