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7 Responses

  1. I had a yellow jackets hornets nest underground that gas and burning did not stop them or kill them all. I waited until freezing weather, then I dug it open. It went for over 6 ft underground. I burned it after exposing it.

  2. I’m pretty sure you can’t kill a nest. But if you want to be rid of all the yellow jackets, go to a costume shop. Rent a bee costume and when the Y.J.’s see you in it, just yell “friggin’ BUZZ!” really loud. They’ll be like “AAAAAHHHHH!” and stuff. I’m pretty sure they’d split. It worked in a cartoon once. If that doesn’t work, shake your fist at them. Yellow jackets hate to be beaten up in front of their friends.

  3. A commercial wasp killer should do it if you spray in the evening when they are in the nest. After you spray thoroughly, cover the entrance securely with plastic and plywood. Keep it covered for a few days. Good luck!

  4. Locate the nest, which you have. Go there at night when it is dark and pour a couple gallons of gas down the hole. End of problem. Never had any problems with the bees surviving after doing this. I have killed several over the years. Good luck.

  5. I would call an expert in to get them out – other than that we use soapy water on the exposed nests to kill them but I don’t know if that will work for such a large one without anyone getting hurt. Good Luck!

  6. Have you tried cementing the entrance closed? You can always break the cement out of the ground. Did you try pouring bleach in the nest?

  7. get a bag of SEVIN dust….. locate the hole entrance…. at dusk, when they are all IN the nest, sneak up there and GENTLY pour the Sevin dust in a heap, all around the entrance, so that the bugs will HAVE TO walk thru it to get in or out….. I use an old butter bowl like Parkay’s to have the dust in so it hurry pours out but I can still control where it goes……once that is done, leave…. in 24 hours, the nest will be done for and you can dig it out or just cover it with soil….. if it rains in that 24 hrs, you’ll need to do it again…. ….. I’ve never had this to fail me…. I don’t like using Sevin in the garden, but when it comes to ground hornets, I’ll use it for that !…. cuz it works!!….

What should we use to kill a rather large underground yellow jacket’s nest? The easiest, quickest solution?

Question by Dakota1: What should we use to kill a rather large underground yellow jacket’s nest? The easiest, quickest solution?
It is causing a real problem; can’t cut the grass in the area. We already poured motor oil down the entrance to the nest and they actually went back to their busy routine a day later. Unreal! We need to have a roof put on our garage but this is holding that up too cause we don’t want the construction people getting stung. In the past we have poured gasoline down the entrance on others and stuffed newspaper there and burned them out but that didn’t work either. The survivors just kept on keeping on. These nests get rather large underground and one can actually fall in if they walk on top of one. Grrrrr I hate bees other than honey bees and Bumble Bees! They are such a nuisance!
Ultimus-try being helpful for once.

Best answer:

Answer by Shan
We had wasps living inside a hollow area under a front window. We found the hole they were using and sprayed Raid into it. It took 2 sprayings on 2 different days, but it worked. I held a drinking straw to the spray nozzle in order to really spray the Raid right thru the hole and into the hollow. (I wore disposable gloves while I was doing this.)

Raid should kill your Yellow Jackets. Hold a straw to the nozzle if you want precision spraying.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!