Question by liz: What solar equipment is necessary to power a steam generator for a home steam bath?
The generator I have is rated at 12 KW, requires 220V and 33Amp service to heat a room of 500 cubic feet. The power is only needed periodically and for short periods of time, 30 – 60 minutes a day. (on a rare occasion, twice a day.) How do I plan, organize and calculate the required equipment?
Best answer:
Answer by Mitch
You want to power it with Photovoltaic panels?
Or are you asking about passive solar pre-heaters?
If you are going to buy Photovoltaic panels, just call up a install firm and get some. There is a 30% tax credit for them now even. But why you are specifically tying the PV panels into your sauna is just confusing. It would sure make for an expensive sauna.
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