Whats really going on in the world? Israel, Palestine, Iraq, 911, USA, British, Zionists, Nazis, Hamas, Hezbollah, Alquida, A.D.L, Controlled Media, King Solomon, Knights Templar, Free Masons, Bohemian Groove, Skull and Bones, Bilderburg, N.W.O, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Free Energy, Stanley Meyer, Water Fuel Cell, Oil, Global Warming, Chem Trails, and etc.
There are 3 sides to every story, this side that side and the truth. So far I’ve heard 2 sides, the mainstream media and the free media or “truth movement”.
I wrote all these key words to bring traffic to this question but it seems that they are all linked to each other in some way which I will let you discover for yourselves.
The world is f*cked up right now but the world always goes through a phase of destruction before the return of Quetzalcoatl. If we survive we will soon begin a new era of unity conciousness and love for each other, our precious twins.