Hank serves up a buffet of news items that includes an approximate date for the end of everything, scientific proof that when it comes to sex bigger IS better, and a look behind how the London Olympics are going green. Bon appetit! Like Scishow? www.facebook.com Follow SciShow! www.twitter.com References for this episode can be found in the Google document here: dft.ba scishow, science, biology, news, humanity, extinction, neanderthal, archaeology, supervolcano, campi flegrei, universe, big rip, big bang, dark energy, galaxy, sex, sex appeal, size, bats, echolocation, douglas emlen, entomology, fitness, rhinoceros beetle, insulin, summer olympics, london, sport, green, energy conservation, traffic, air pollution, cityscan, atmosphere, nitrogen dioxide, no2, carbon footprint, east end, recycling, games
Video Rating: 4 / 5