The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

3 Responses

  1. Never. As long as gvmt can endlessly tap into our earnings, bad spending programs will never fade away.

  2. How cute. You actually believe that your government representatives are some naive charitable hippies. You should slap yourself. It’s the government’s job to make usage of your money, whether for good or bad. It’s all a game; fund a small rebellion somewhere in the world to divert attention from your problems or cause political unrest and make your country seem so civil and other nations so savage, then reap the benefits of being the first to send aid and peace enforcers, and establish some form of control over the region. And oil that is purchased from Arab countries are owned by Arab countries so would you have the Western nations rob them of that? Not that it isn’t happening, but would you rather a hostile takeover of mass proportions? Take your hawkish viewpoints elsewhere. You didn’t come to ask a question, you came to seek approval from ignorant and conceitedly arrogant fools such as yourself. You will receive none from me. Get a life.

  3. Toss the bastards out!!! Call your representatives, tell them your fed up and if they don’t fix it, their going to be looking for job!

    Get out of the house and talk to people who feel like you do, get organized.

    Never forget that “We the People…” are in charge.

When will the Government stop throwing money at problems they cause and can not fix?

Question by Vivianna: When will the Government stop throwing money at problems they cause and can not fix?
You could say our government is the biggest supporter of terrorism in the world. They give large sums of our tax dollars to foreign governments thinking the aid might somehow fix problems in other countries that care nothing about the people they rule over. Once these governments get the moeny they buy weapons to kill our soldiers fighting in other people’s civil wars which we can not win anyway. On top of that we continue to buy oil from courntires that are known to support terrorism not to mention fund nuclear programs in courntries that have no business handleing nuclear technologies. Not only that but they give business loans to foriegners and give them preference over someone that has citezenship. Not only that these bisnesses become fronts to filter Billions of funds to terrorist groups overseas. Yet our goverment refuses to do anything about it instead they throw out more of our tax moeny to try to “fix” they problems they have perpetuated. So what do we do Now?

Best answer:

Answer by Eric C
When they stop playing politics. Which will be never. One side will always say that another side doesn’t care about an issue because they didn’t support an increase in funding, and it will always work.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!