I always see liberal conspiracy nutballs, like Rosie O’Donnell, Charlie Sheen, and Cindy Sheehan, but where are the conservative weirdos? According to polls, 35% of democrats believe Bush was behind 9/11, 78% of demcorats believe Bush won in 2004 because of his connection to Diebold voting machines in Ohio, and 10% of democrats believe the moon-landing was faked in ’69. So, who are the crazy conservatives and what do they believe in? I never hear them say Hillary wants universal health care so her and her cronnies can get free plastic surgery. I never heard anyone say that Al Gore is pushing global warming because he wants to ruin the oil companies because he owns a ton of stock in solar powered energy companies. I never hear them say fire can’t mealt steel and clinton knew about the USS cole bombing ahead of time, but did nothing. Why is it that only liberals have the progressive imagination?