The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

4 Responses

  1. 1. Conservation
    The easiest way to switch to an alternative is eliminate the cause of it.

    If you’re going to go off-grid, the first thing you do is audit the efficiency of your appliances. It’s way cheaper to buy a new $1200 fridge than put put $10,000 of extra solar panels to run the old less efficient fridge.

    This idea works in many other things as well.

  2. Sorry but we will never run out of fossil fuel. Nature with plants is where our present supply of fossil came from and it will continue for the next million years.

  3. biofuels could play a major role because it is renewable and it is something we can produce in the u.s. and it creates jobs. solar, wind, bio-diesel and ethanol are all energys we can create here if we could get continued support from the state and federal governments and the public. oil companies and environmentalists are trying to kill ethanol and bio-diesel. oil ompanies because they don’t want the increased competition and the environmentalists because they are against everything that involves the production of anything except for the idea that we are all going to live in huts with no electricity and eat grass,berries and bark and watch the sun set everyday as the polar bears play with a ball in the front yard.

Which of the alternatives or other alternative would provide the greatest impact on the shift from fossil fuel?

In the next ten years, how much is the Contributions of the Alternatives such as
Solar – direct conversion to electricity
Solar – indirect conversion to electricity
Solar – conversion of water to hydrogen
Biofuels – alternative to petroleum-based fuels
Fuel Cells
Wind – conversion to electricity
well, there is a situation to replace fossil fuel due to its depletion and it will run out in the next century if we continue to use fossil fuel for all our needs. So we need to look for the effective alternatives to save the future world by preventing the extinction of fossil fuels. Solar energy, wind energy and bio fuels will contribute more than other alternatives. But the question is which contributes more than others. I guess wind power or bio fuels. but the tie up is between wind power and bio fuels. can anyone guess one of them with proof?