The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Why are world events so easy to predict like this Oil spill and the Chemical dispersant they are using?

Question by Del Rio: Why are world events so easy to predict like this Oil spill and the Chemical dispersant they are using?
I said when they 1st started using that chemical that it kills wildlife but they did it anyway, now the Government is banning its use. Also I still think they can make a giant Plastic dome to put over it. not a air bubble dome flip it over and let water in and then flip it over on top of the oil leak and put a hose at the top after anchoring it to the sea bottom then suck out the oil. its not that hard to mold plastic, you can do it with a blow torch or just pour it in a concrete mole they use for Cooling towers for power plants, I’m so smart but the government is dumb
I put this in Politics because I think Barack Obama is purposly creating this extending this disaster so people will be outraged about more offshore drilling

Best answer:

Answer by Dizzy yet?
It’s weird you said that. When Obama announced he would allow exploration for oil, me and a friend joked around that there would be a disaster and it would be halted. I wonder how many other people thought the same thing…

And I too believe the leak could have been stopped long ago. I think it has only lasted this long because the tides, winds haven’t brought it to shore and it hasn’t done enough damage yet for Obama to say, “See I told you so.”

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