
The world needs a new source of energy; one that is continuous, plentiful, inexpensive, safe and unspillable

Why can’t the US be free of importing oil from countries which want us dead?

Question by Gary: Why can’t the US be free of importing oil from countries which want us dead?
I have no problem with green or clean energy but it’s at least 10 or 15 years down the road. We still have to have the conventional fuels such as coal,oil,natural gas,nuclear to get us through. We need to develope all of the above or else this country is going bankrupt. Also millions of JOBS could be created.

Best answer:

Answer by Texas Patriot
Because politicians, especially those on the left including the one in the White House, are beholden to special interest groups who line their pockets. In this case we are talking abnout the leftist environmentalist whack jobs out there.

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