The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

4 Responses

  1. I too am unimpressed with Obama’s handling of the disaster; but it’s not all his fault. It’s not his job to cap or top kill the well. He’s not the oil expert. Maybe he should have asked Bush…..
    He could at least have let the Gulf states set up barriers against the oil…..

  2. The American President is basically a preacher and peace bringer. He is not good in administration and in technical matters.
    The oil spill capping is better handled by the CIA and intelligence agencies, since such events destroy the country, due to the large scale of geographic damage done.
    The reports confirm that the World Trade CEnter was destroyed by controlled demolition, when the intelligence agencies anaysed the event. And so, even in the oil capping event, the intelligence will spend years finding out what caused this National disaster in America. Can America counter it? Prevent it?
    Shah! Blaming one man is the last thing I would do.

  3. Obama was ill prepared to handle a disaster. He thinks he is multitasking but he really just lets his friends handle it and he hires those without a stick of experience. Every “experts” he puts in positions to fix things are nothing but lawyers without a stick of experience in the area they are to manage. His top guys don’t know the difference between 20 weight and 30 weight, much less what a drill bit looks like.

    When Obama was going to “insure” the entire country for health, how many people with health insurance did he have defining the governments takeover? Or maybe I should say, can you count on one hand whose not an attorney that designed the new government takeover of insurance?

  4. It took time to design and make that latest cap. All previous effort are buying time to that cap.

    This is an exercise to Obama. Unto 2012, more disasters will happen around the world. He should do better and much aggressive in coming events.

Why did Obama spend so much trying to top kill the oil well when he should have just capped it.?

Question by Day V: Why did Obama spend so much trying to top kill the oil well when he should have just capped it.?
Obama did a horrible job managing this emergency. Lets all hope that nothing major happens until after he leaves office is 2012.

Best answer:

Answer by rejectedzipper
The President had nothing to do with fixing the well. It was engineers working for BP that did it.

Sorry, you can’t turn this into “It’s Obama’s Fault”

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