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16 Responses

  1. Must be really old news becasue I can`t find a quote about Obama attacking the British people. And it was not even BP that caused the spill it was a sublet but BP is responsible for the their sublets. And most people don`t know that BP is not British Petroleum anymore it is just BP, a private company and that is the bigger point.

  2. The “blame” was never placed on the British.
    The “blame” was directed to those responsible for the relaxed regulations and those that took shortcuts for profits. I hope that helps you out.

  3. Why did Repubs first accuse Obama of protecting BP, then suddenly change and accuse him of attacking BP?

  4. Obama not only hates America, he also hates Britain.

    They both value individual freedom, and that is something he cannot stand (except for himself and his freinds, of course).

  5. Obama did not blame the British. He blamed British Petroleum which was spot on. They were the ones drilling on the cheap. They did not use the prescribed method to do so because it was too expensive. They gambled with life to safe a few bucks and lost big time. British Petroleum was completely at fault and we all know it.

  6. I can only hope that you will be an equally diligent watch dog when the GOP regains power, but I won’t hold my breath waiting.

  7. Perhaps that wasn’t right because Big Oil companies do Not reflect the people in the UK or even the American people where American oil corporations are born – I am certain.
    But on the other hand would BP devastate the ocean that surrounds the country of their birth ?

  8. You had me till ”no anti-American jingoism in Britain” Come on guy some of us had to watch your BBC same of us have spent time in your pubs hearing y’all rag America and Americans 24/7 It shocks me to hear our junior partner try and say this!

  9. Many here are most likely too young to remember, but when V.P. Al Gore engineered the sale of our Elk Hills Naval Oil Reserves in Bakersfield Ca. to Occidental Petroleum. Al Sr. and Al Jr. have sat on the board of Occidental for years. This sale increased the value of their stock by millions. Old “Earth in the Balance” guy also leases out his land for an open pit Zinc mine. People are so gullible. Al Gore is big oil and big bucks.

    Why did it take so long for Obama to blame anyone, much less respond to the spill.

  10. Barry will say or do anything that he thinks will get him good press. He was having trouble elsewhere at the time, so the oil spill provided a good release for him.. altho as you know it took him quite some time and away from his current holiday to actually take time to read his teleprompter to find out just how enraged he should be.

    He is an actor and a bad one.. and he is ruining this country with his stupidity.

    so to ask for any kind of sense to this whole thing is almost impossible to conjure up. It is all a game, a very big game.. and Barry the Wizard thinks he is in charge. we all know he is not!

  11. He tried blaming Bush, first.
    When that ploy failed, grasping at straws in order to deflect attention for the lack of government required inspections, you guys just happened to be handy……………sorry……..that’s just the way the blame game works in the Obama Administration.

Why did the Obama Administration feel the need to?

Question by Sepp Blatter: Why did the Obama Administration feel the need to?
Blame the BP oil disaster on the British. (I know this is old news)

I’m just wondering why did he feel that by shifting the blame onto one of America’s allies was a good move? Politically speaking. To me it seems to be a crazy strategy to annoy your friends – especially when it wasn’t their fault. BP is as much American as it is British – and the oil platform was worked completely by Americans.

To put this into context – there was a far bigger oil spill of the shores of Britain – Piper Alpha,1988,wholly owned by Occidental Petroleum,LA California,167 people died, due to direct negligence by OP. But there was no anti American jingoism in Britain at the time.

Source 1
source 2
Source 3 (I have no idea why people are finding such a hard time finding these sources – there are literally hundreds –

Best answer:

Answer by they see me trollin, they hatin…

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