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  1. 1. Al Queda is fueled by our failure, our inability to effectively deal with them in a country such as Afghanistan makes our military and intelligence agencies look inept and our resolution in fighting the war on terror questionable.

    2. Al Queda is still able to use Afghanistan as a staging ground for terror towards our allies in Pakistan etc. This engenders anger not only at Al Queda, but at the governments of those countries that are our allies, making it more difficult for any government to aid the US.

    3. Globally, the downward spiral in Afghanistan is fueling the drug trade, thereby increasing the amount of illegal activity associated with drug trafficking on a world-wide level that affects countries that are not involved in Afghanistan at all but who are, unfortunately, affected by the fall out of increased heroin.

    Victory in Afghanistan means a stable federal government that can, with the aid of a multi-national task force, monitor if not completely wipe out militant organizations attempting to find a safe haven in Afghanistan. Keeping them off balance and on the run means less time for Al Queda to actually make plans to attack the United States again.

    It also means that there would be a marked decrease in the opium trade, again with a stable federal government that can both encourage alternatives to poppy growers and can severely hamper the efforts of the drug traffickers.

Why do we bother with Islamic Afghanistan?

Question by Critical Thinker: Why do we bother with Islamic Afghanistan?
Why do we bother with any Islamic countries. Don’t misunderstand me. Im definetly not a naive peacenik. Im only a pragmatist.

If it serves our interests to bomb those America-hating religious nuts, then Im all for it, Im just not “for” trying to build a house on a rotten foundation (Islamic culture) or for that matter, Im not so sure Im for building houses for non-taxpayers, even if the foundation is good.

The point is, will we really get any ROI (return on investement) here? The problem is a cultural one. The enemy is not the “Taliban” or “Al-qaeda”, these are merely pc-code words for “head of the Islamic snake”.

So we throw good money after bad in countries like Afganistan and for that matter, just about any other Islamic country. Iraq is a little different because of its oil. Is it worth out sizeable investment to try and message this thing into a turkish-like lesser evil as opposed to letting it go the way of Iran or any other Islamic country? Maybe, I dont know, but it least theres an argument there, in terms of our interests. I totally dont see it with Afganistan.

Bin Laden is not the problem, he just a spokesperson. As we saw in Iraq, even when you kill the top leaders (Zaraqawi), it makes very little difference. The only thing that made a difference in Iraq was the surge (more force). The problem is not any single “leader” but the culture. Almost all armed conflict worldwide is Islamic. Ask Phillipinos what there biggest problem is…ask Russians…ask Indians…ask Thai natives…its all the same problem.

Best answer:

Afghanistan is a training ground of terrorists.

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