This is so idiotic! He HAS released it! What do you want, for him to put it on display in the Smithsonian??
I guarantee you anyone with a right to examine it has examined it, or else the courts would be challenging his presidency already. They’re not going to wait and sit on their thumbs, and figure it out a few months into his presidency.
But the only lawsuits I see are brought by CITIZENS. The only questioning I see is by CITIZENS. Guess what? You DON’T have a right to see his birth certificate. By releasing it he was doing you a favor. Have you ever demanded to see any other president’s birth certificate?
Or is this just another demonstration of inherent racism and xenophobia in America? If he were an old white guy named John Smith, this wouldn’t even be an issue. Apparently he isn’t quite American enough for the conspiracy theorists.
While the burden of proof is on the accuser (conspiracy theorists), I’ll provide three non-partisan websites that have examined Obama’s birth certificate, WHICH HE RELEASED!!
So please, quit saying that he hasn’t released it. You conspiracy theorists haven’t provided one shred of evidence, you just keep whining and accusing. You’re supported by the likes of world net daily and jerome corsi – two of the least reputable sources I can think of! It’s pathetic really. Spend your energy on more productive things.
Or you could just plan a party with other conspiracy theorists, like the “9-11 was an inside job” people. You are at an equal level of ridiculousness, so it should be fun.
Please refer to this website. It’s actually unconstitutional for the courts to determine the eligibility of the president.
pixidoas – I have three. See above. How much more legit can you get? They’re non-partisan fact-checking sites.
ALSO – how do you explain birth announcements in TWO Hawaii newspapers?
Ooh, I’ve got it, Obama has a time machine and went back to plant the announcements in the papers! It all makes sense!
Imam – please see “” It includes a picture of the raised seal.
I posted these three sites because they are non-partisan and used for fact-checking by both sides.
At this point you people just sound like blind idiots.