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Why does BP use solutions to fix the leak that involves siphoning the oil up to tankers?

Question by Matt T: Why does BP use solutions to fix the leak that involves siphoning the oil up to tankers?
The first two solutions using the two different size domes were in design to siphon up the oil. I can kind of understand it because like what happened, it became buoyant. Then yes, there was the top kill which doesn’t use siphoning; but now they are doing this cut and cap solution that once again does. Is the pressure just far too immense to put a giant plug in instead?

My ultimate question boils down to this: Is BP still thinking from their pockets so that they can make some profit off of this? Or is it truthfully nearly impossible to weld on a massive plug to make it simply stop?
Knight: my question is more on the logistics of if they are able to cap it with out the use of the siphon.

Best answer:

Answer by return friendly fire
Why can’t Obama take a diving suite and put a big Cork in the leak and shut it off. Ha ha. They need to take all that money they have and get things done.

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