The United States Postal Services delivers our mail everyday around the nation which means gallons of gas are being used everyday, and gas isn’t cheaper or getting cheap. Why don’t they switch to electric or hybrid vehicles and save the tax payers some money as well as ease up on our dependence upon foreign oil? Also business like UPS, FedEx, and DHL could do the exact same thing.
The United States Postal Services delivers our mail everyday around the nation which means gallons of gas are being used everyday, and gas isn’t cheaper or getting cheap. Why don’t they switch to electric or hybrid vehicles and save the tax payers some money as well as ease up on our dependence upon foreign oil? Also business like UPS, FedEx, and DHL could do the exact same thing. I know upfront costs would be high which is why I didn’t mean replace the entire fleet overnight, but to start off small and build upon that.
I know upfront costs would be high which is why I didn’t mean replace the entire fleet overnight, but to start off small and build from there. But there seems to be no effort at all in the case of The United States Postal Services.