This grandeous proposal was offered in Omni magazine 30 years ago. We had the technology back then. There were fears me might cool the planet. Three of them, it said could power all of Florida. Below shipping lanes and with slow 100 yard long prop blades that could not even hurt a whale. A hurricane died in the gulf a fews years back. It turned the oceans heat energy into mechanical and electrical energy (winds and lightning) and robbed it all untill there was no heat left to drive it. We could reduce the occurance or severity of storms, generate power without fossil fuels, and cool the earth all at the same time. It sounds like a win, win and I want to spread the word or remind people of this so somebody in power will get the message. Or maybe theres a downside I don’t know about. So I’m asking. But if we do truly alter our planet now, we should spend more time considering how to do it wisely. If this post doesn’t get shot down in flames as stupid, please help spread the word.