I don’t understand the benefit of killing 3000 of our own citizens. To go into Iraq? If our government was so clever in pulling off the largest terrorist attack in US history under the noses of the entire population, why are they so inept in everything else? Oh , wait, I get it, the Iraq fiasco just part of a larger plan! Where we deliberately kill 100,000 people and destroy a few countries for oil and world domination.
I know a lot of people who are obsessively trying to convert me into thinking the government is behind 9/11, but I think that’s absurd and a waste of time and energy when we should be concerned about the true threat this administration offers. I’ve looked at the same sites you guys have. I’ve listened to Rosie and Charlie Sheen and Ed Begley jr. ramble on about demolition. I even barely made it through Loose Change. I now see ALL information as suspect, from mainstream media and these fringe sites. Convince me I’m naive and ignorant.
They Watch You:
I quote
“All you have to do is use your imagination..”
That is the problem here. There is NO evidence I have seen that convinces me without me having to use my imagination!
The point of evidence is the exclude the use of your imagination and present one with cold, hard , objective proof.
You say you are ‘absolutely sure’ bld 7 was taken down. Did you bring it down yourself? How can you be absolutely sure? Because you saw a video on youtube?
This goes to the heart of my question, where is the reliable information to be found? If not ANY mainstream news source that has NEVER made mention of a conspiracy in all seriousness, then what? Google? YouTube? Homemade, back-yard college drop out iMovie documentaries? That is as misleading and I don’t buy it. Silverstein’s spokesperson, said that by “pull it” Silverstein was referring to the contingent of firefighters remaining in the building, and confirming that they should evacuate the premesis. CHECK YOUR FACTS!
I can’t see it as anything but paranoid mass hysteria. This so far proves it. People WANT there to be a conspiracy, so they FIND things that might be wrong with the official explanation. I simply do not see how hard it is to believe that arab terrorists took over airplanes, not exactly a new tactic, and crashed them into our country’s power symbols. Ramzi Yousef tried to do what they achieved in the early nineties, these theorists seem to have conveniently forgotten that this plan has been in the works for decades, and it was attempted before.
I’ve heard that ‘pull it’ and bldn 7 baloney a hundred times . don’t you have anything better than that? that’s asinine.
Dr. Buns, don’t kill my argument by getting your facts mixed up. I can’t form a believable argument, with facts on my side if most people don’t even know a damn thing about history! The bombers were predom. saudi, but certainly not Iraqi and afghani. that’s a horribly misleading comment, because it implies that we had a right to attack iraq if the hijackers were Iraqi. It looks like you were fooled into thinking the 9.11 attack was caused by iraqis as well. BOTH SIDES OF THIS ARGUMENT ARE STUPID!!! ARGGGHH!!
11 Responses
I agree with you that the 9-11 Conspiracy Theory is ridiculous. People compare it to documents regarding invasion of Cuba and how the government had a scheme to make it look like they attacked first so we could go in. The thing is they don’t notice the difference. With the Cuba thing, it would have been a hoax involving government employees posing as the victims of the airplane attack. However, in 9-11 real people died, it wasn’t a hoax with no real victims (which was what the Cuba scheme would have been). I think its a large leap to make – thinking that the gov’t would go from convincing the citizens that Cuba attacked through false media and such – to actually killing 3,000 citizens for oil. It’s all just ridiculous. There are still people that think the moon landing was fake, so that just goes to show that some people are just absurdly skeptical; and no matter what the situation there are people that will argue with it.
Just remember this one thing: being famous does not mean you are intelligent. Anyone who believes the president of the United States would blow up the World Trade Center’s twin towers must be an idiot. Osama Bin Laden took credit for bringing down the towers. He sent out 19 suicide bombers, all of middle eastern descent (likely Iraqi or Afghani–do you have FACTS to prove otherwise???????????), to fly planes into the White House, the Pentagon, and the World Trade Center. Thankfully the White House was not hit, and the Pentagon was barely damaged. Unfortunately, there are so many people who think they are smart because they watch CSI every week that some of these stupid conspiracy theories won’t die. If you look at the facts, this was an act of terrorism, NOT an act of genocide by our government.
You need to do the research for yourself! No one is going to convince you, you have to decide for yourself if all of the evidence that exists points to government complicity or not.
After all of the evidence I’ve seen, it definitely seems to me that 9/11 was an inside job!
In addition, there is alot more info, evidence, videos, pictures, etc. that is out there than just loose change… all you have to do is look for it.
I can tell you one thing, I know for sure that bldg 7 was a controlled demolition, I’ve seen the evidence on various videos that shows the demolition charges going up the side of the building just as it started to fall. Hell, the WTC leaseholder, Larry Silverstien, actually admitted that bldg 7 was brought down on purpose! What more do you need to start questioning the “official version”?
I’ll give you a few suggestions as to what to look for so you can start to see the obvious problems with the “official version”
Google video, YouTube, and general search queries like:
Evidence of a controlled demolition
Neil Bush head of security for WTC
Cleveland airport evacuated on 9/11
9/11 inside job evidence
In Plane Site (video)
Confronting the evidence (video)
Dave VonKleist
Stephen Jones
Alex Jones
All you have to do is use your imagination to come up with the search queries that will get you to the right places.
In addition, Loose Change, although not always totally accurate with all of their points, is very good and they ask alot of very good questions! They also bring up very good points, and many things people shouldn’t be ignoring!
Gather all your update info on 9/11 at:
And don’t miss this film:
This is not the first time conspiracy theory like this one poped up. Conspiracy theories pop up all the time.
Check out some other past conpiracy theories. You can Google these if you want.
Katrina-Some claim gov blew up levy at New Orleans to get rid of poor(black) people.
Oklahoma bombing-Some claim FBI covered up evidence of bombs inside the building
Swissair Flight 111- Some claim plane was shot down with missile
Pearl Harbor-Some claim gov knew it, but did nothing to stop it
JFK, Rosewell, VA Tech shooter brain washed and many many more conspiracy theories are out there.
Bottom line? Although internet, blogosphere helped popularize 911 conspiracy but this about far as this will go. Just another conspiracy theory and nothing more. It will be added to pile of other conspiracy theories and will remain for long time.
If someone tell you that you’re naive ask them who Ahmed Chalabi is. Ask them what INC(Iraqi National Congress) is. Ask them what we’ve been doing in Iraq in 1990s. These things played bigger role sending us into Iraq in 2003.
It(conspiracy theories) seems to be some type of social byproduct in free, wealthy country like us. Nothing I would stress over.
I find it amusing non of WTC designers, architechs whose reputation is online don’t mention anything unusual, but hundreds of others who never built skyscrapper point out littlest details to make demolition claims.
Some of these wacky information have been circulating so long on internet sometimes we can’t even track its primary source. It’s nuts. It’s internet.
Where the heck do you get your info from? There wasn’t one single Iraqi OR Afghan amongst the 19 9/11 terrorists. 15 were Saudis, the rest were from Egypt, Lebanon, and UAE.
3 strange things. If the Pres thought ObLaden was responsible in part why did he let the family of ObL and the Sultan of SArabia take a private jet OUT of the US back to ME. Wouldn’t they have made good bartering considering the worst US attack ever? Second look at the stock market changes and how they fluctuated around 9/11. Why did MrJBush of FLA declare MARTIAL LAW on 09/07/01, days b4 9/11 out of nowhere???
Also, 9/11/90 PresGHBush Sr gave speech about theNWO. Quite a coincidence, since 9/11 has opened the door for big govt.
Homeland Security? When anyone can stroll across the border why are we paying for this farce?
Honestly the previous answers have given you the appropriate answer, but I will say it plain and simple. Conspiracy Theorists do not know waht they are talking about. They bring their little pocketbook of evidence that does nothing moer than make them look like fools, and they ignore the huge amount of evidence right in front of their face.
I know many people prefer the comfort of the government’s “official version” of 9/11 because the standard news channels preach it non-stop, and it’s harsh to think that our own country could be so heinous as to attack it’s own citizens as a pretext to go to war. But historically, false flag attacks like 9/11 have occurred throughout the ages. In old times, attack ships would display the flag of a country who was their enemy so that it would it look like the enemy country did the attack and they would be blamed for it. The same type of thing occurred with 9/11. The US wanted to implement a war against Muslims and Arabs, but they knew our people would revolt against such an imperial act of aggression. They needed a false flag operation that would really cause fear and anger in citizens in order to justify their “war on terror”. Their solution was 9/11. The 3,000 citizens killed were simply “collateral damage” to them.
The government’s version of 9/11 simply cannot be true. They claim that the hijackers were devout, fanatical Muslims, ready to die for Allah and their cause. How can that be when they found out that the ringleader, Mohamed Atta enjoyed things like cocaine, alcohol, gambling, pork, and lap dances?! Many of the hijackers indulged in these types of things in Las Vegas several times which completely contradicts the 9/11 Commission Report. Also, why are their names not on the flight manifests? We are told that four or five hijackers were on each airplane, yet when the manifests were released, no Arab names were on them. And of the 19 men who allegedly did this, why have several of them shown up to be alive? Why did Osama Bin Laden deny any involvement in the attacks approximately two weeks after 9/11, yet the Bush administration claims that Bin Laden did accept responsibility in a video (where Bin Laden looks like a different person) found in Afghanistan two months later? Bush’s strange behavior on the morning of 9/11 is certainly compelling evidence. Bush reportedly thought that the first plane that hit the Twin Towers was an accident. He somehow didn’t think it was odd enough to stop his visit at the school in Florida. When he and the secret service got word of the second strike, it was clear that America was under attack. Yet he remained at the school for half an hour, and then spoke about the attacks on tv — revealing his whereabouts that he was still at the school. The country was undergoing unprecedented terrorist attacks, so why didn’t they fear that he would be in danger by announcing his location? It’s because they already knew the attack was not including him. They knew the attacks were being carried out domestically from inside our government and Bush was not in any danger. Also, where was NORAD that morning? Since they boast that they do not miss anything occurring the North American airspace, I find it odd that they didn’t notice Flight 77 making a uturn in the Mid-West and flying back to Washington. And yes, the evidence overwhelming supports that the towers fell due to a controlled demolition – the multiple explosions heard, the shaking ground before the collapse, the appearance of implosion, almost free fall speed of collapse – so many other variables support the fact that they couldn’t have fallen as they did without help.
People have a tendency to label anyone who questions the official government theory of 9/11 as nothing but a “conspiracy theorist whack job”. But if you believe the government that the attacks were planned and carried entirely by al-Qaeda terrorists after conspiring with Osama Bin Laden in a cave, then guess what? You yourself are believing a conspiracy theory. And to me, that one is most INSANE conspiracy theory that I have ever heard.
I don’t have time to respond to those idiots. I have to go put my foil hat on to protect my soul from the aliens!!! (I am just kidding or am I? muahhahaha!!!!)
I dunno why Israel involvement is covered by the U.S liberal corporate media.