I don’t understand the benefit of killing 3000 of our own citizens. To go into Iraq? If our government was so clever in pulling off the largest terrorist attack in US history under the noses of the entire population, why are they so inept in everything else? Oh , wait, I get it, the Iraq fiasco just part of a larger plan! Where we deliberately kill 100,000 people and destroy a few countries for oil and world domination.
I know a lot of people who are obsessively trying to convert me into thinking the government is behind 9/11, but I think that’s absurd and a waste of time and energy when we should be concerned about the true threat this administration offers. I’ve looked at the same sites you guys have. I’ve listened to Rosie and Charlie Sheen and Ed Begley jr. ramble on about demolition. I even barely made it through Loose Change. I now see ALL information as suspect, from mainstream media and these fringe sites. Convince me I’m naive and ignorant
just wait a few years, the number will spike past 100,000 soon enough