The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

38 Responses

  1. This BiggerFatterBlog person needs to stop watching Fox Television, and start doing a little real personal research, on the sources of energy, the methods of energy conversion, and the truth of where we are now in 2011 going into 2012.
    Leave your 50ties base science behind, and expand your mind into the present.
    By the way, do you know that Google, and Virgin are planning a real trip to Mars, and yes they do not expect to find any little green men, or creatures from any black lagoon. Granpa!

  2. Instead of cursing the darkness, why don’t you light a candle, do your own research, join the revolution, bring your contributions to the table, why don’t you!
    As human beings, we are unlimited in what we can create, dead dinosaurs, are not the only source of fuel, wake up and live as a creator, instead of a dull slave. We are not like you, we create our own innovations, world, we are our own saviors, no religion, or government needed, LIVE WITH IT!

  3. @StreamingJaden If this were to be true, you would not be on youtube trying to convince web surfers that it is true; you would be on CNN discussing how you came up with the idea, and how you felt about winning the Nobel prize.

  4. XOGEN Was a prototype presentation, a simple proof of concept created to invite others to participate in the process; before running off calling brilliant America inventors scam artist, why not do your own research, when did it became a crime to be creative, and entrepreneurial, Edison must be turning over in his grave, listening to the like of you.

  5. Bloom Energy is changing the way the world generates and consumes energy.

    Our unique on-site power generation systems utilize an innovative new fuel cell technology with roots in NASA’s Mars program.

    Derived from a common sand-like powder, and leveraging breakthrough advances in materials science, our technology is able to produce clean, reliable, affordable power,… practically anywhere,… from a wide range of renewable fuels. RENEWABLE=Solar, Wind, Hydro, Thermal, Yes Wide Range, THINK!

  6. Did you KNOW, Fuel cells were invented over a century ago and have been used in practically every NASA mission since the 1960’s, with some cost pblm
    Bloom has solved these engineering challenges. With breakthroughs in materials science, and revolutionary new design, Bloom’s SOFC technology is a cost effective, all-electric solution.Over a century in the making, fuel cells are finally clean,reliable, and most importantly,affordable. bloomenergycom/products/solid-oxide-fuel-cell-animation/

  7. Bloom Energy is changing the way the world generates energy by converting just about any combustible gas in to electricity with what an energy server, Hydrogen gas, swamp gas, landfill gas, natural gas, yes a unique power systems utilize an innovative new fuel cell technology with roots in NASA’s Mars program.BE energy Serversâ„¢ are among the most efficient power generators on the planet; providing for significantly reduced electricity costs.BE is Headquartered in Sunnyvale, California GSU

  8. ”A candle loses nothing of its light when lighting another”
    Kahlil Gibran, solar panels are everyday powering homes all over the world, including military bases in Nevada, Sodium Solar Thermal Units are powering homes in Texas, in Lancaster California KB Homes is building and selling houses with pre-installed Solar Panels in the shape of roof shingles, you really need to get out more my primitive friend.

  9. @StreamingJaden No, solar wind can not be harvested and converted to electricity. More pseudo scientific fantasy horseshit from you.
    No amount of “mind opening” is going to change this.

    Absolute hard fact that you can not escape: You can not create or destroy energy. You can only convert it. And every time you convert its form, a part of that is converted to heat which is usually lost.

    No amount of distractions or distortions is going to change these facts.

  10. @StreamingJaden No, solar wind can not be harvested and converted to electricity. More pseudo scientific fantasy horseshit from you.
    No amount of “mind opening” is going to change this.

    Absolute hard fact that you can not escape: You can not create or destroy energy. You can only convert it. And every time you convert its form, a part of that is converted to heat which is usually lost.

    No amount of distractions or distortions is going to change these facts.

  11. @StreamingJaden Fact remains, it takes more energy to make hydrogen from water, than the amount of energy you get from burning that hydrogen. No amount of excuses, bullshit, pseudo scientific fantasy crap, claims, suggestions, is going to change that fact.

  12. The Electrical Power Can flow from Solar. Wind, MicroHydro, or many other creative, energy conversion technologies, OPEN YOUR LIMITED MIND TO THE POSSIBILITIES.
    Their is far more things on the planet than what you learned in your little parish my fellow human.
    Your argument about energy never being created or destroyed is short sited, Energy can be transformed, and you can use one type of energy to triger or control the flow of another; as in the A bomb, the transistor to amplify sound,

  13. Respond to this video… hydrogen, or oxy-hydrogen can be manipulated to perform a lot of different type of useful work, get your head out of the books, sterile theoretical, conjectures, and get in to your work shop,, and start experimenting, you will discover many things, and get personal proof, of what truly is, and what is not.

  14. @a1mint hydrogen, or oxy-hydrogen can be manipulated to perform a lot of different type of useful work, get your head out of the books, sterile theoretical, conjectures, and get in to your work shop,, and start experimenting, you will discover many things, and get personal proof, of what truly is, and what is not.

  15. The Electrical Power Can flow from Solar. Wind, MicroHydro, or many other creative, energy conversion technologies, OPEN YOUR LIMITED MIND TO THE POSSIBILITIES.

    Their is far more things on the planet than what you learned in your little parish my fellow human. Your argument about energy never being created or destroyed is short sited, Energy can be transformed, and you can use one type of energy to triger or control the flow of another; as in the A bomb, the transistor to amplify sound.

  16. @hapke21 i miss the person .. for @a1mint is my comment .. not for @Katharsis540

    anyway.. @a1mint u are a petrol broker? or what

    Few hundred years ago Napoleon say: “We have alrady descovered all that can be descovered in the wapons industry” … and they use arrows ….

  17. @Katharsis540 u are like a broken robot.. u only say “u can’t create or distroy energy”… obsesive…
    U can’t create from nothing… but still.. If u spin a magnet in a midle of a few wires u get electric energy!, Is not that from nothing?
    Here, in fact, is a extremly simple chimical reaction… just divide the h2o in Hidrogen and Oxigen .. what is so friking hard to understand that? As i know, oxigen and hidrogen are 2 inflammable gases… why that is not working for u?

  18. @Katharsis540 Regardless, the fact remains, you can not create or destroy energy, only convert it.

  19. @a1mint where does that claim come from on the video?Not using burden of proof fallacy here w w w*nizkor*org/features/fallacies/burden-of-proof * html

  20. @Katharsis540 Bla bla bla. Fact remains, you can not create or destroy energy, only convert it.
    Any claim that relies on breaking these laws, is a scam.

  21. @a1mint Heard of Marko Rodin or the Rodin Coil?Still feels that formula just half of it don’t seem full who knows…suggest to look up Plato Caves Allegory also cause all did was apply critical thinking,nothing more nor did use any logical fallacies ie appeal to authority or fear or novelty or pity etc…peace.

  22. @Katharsis540 E=MC2. It’s just there. You can convert it, but you can not create or destroy it.

    The rest of your message is just a bunch of gibberish, without any cohesion.

  23. @a1mint Ok then where does it come from energy to start with(of course this=another topic now kinda side topic),like stated acting like 5 year old here to question where does it come from?how does it get “created”or”generated” etc…Applying here the 5 W’s and 1 H,cause i don’t know and coming here with Plato Allegory of the cave where expirencing something and would to share with others and work on it.From here didn’t use ad hominem so no need to start with peace.

  24. @Katharsis540 What an utter bunch of total baloney crap garbage you just puked up. Good grief man!

    You can not create or destroy energy. What the FUCK part of that do you not understand ? ? ?

  25. @a1mint Ok still not a scam cause he does or the device does harness the energy,almost the same thing to say that wireless energy does travel on the air.Do wish could my hand on it to see it in action thou does solidify it more to use,and also helps to see how it made for future upgrades thus going as 5 year old where does energy come from in the start?

  26. @eautocad im running it at 22.5 psi with 800 cc of 70/30 iso/water mixture. My fuel is 910cc x 4 so its about a 20% iso/fuel ratio. It runs great and hauls ass. My afr is at 10.0 – 10.6 so I still have tons of room left for more boost

  27. bro I am running 70/30 isopropyl alcohol blend in my Subaru wrx as a knock suppressant and additional energy source. Isopropyl rocks — I have a very nice write up about it at subypal – com (not trying to link drop but if you are into isopropyl you will like this)

  28. if i can have a request, could you try 70% alcohol next time?… I just want to know what happens….

  29. To:@emmettebrown
    This is just a simple demonstration to see if the engine will run under compressed HHO and rubbing alcohol without any gasoline in a carburetor. Think about it diesel engines has the air compressed at bottom dead center where there is no negative pressure. A traditional IC engine when the piston reaches bottom dead center there is negative pressure before the piston start Upward for the compression stroke.

  30. @pjckac1 Yes that will help it move get rid of the nasers and join in on the info to make it go

  31. To:GOPSpinMachineInOD
    If you are not going to provide productive criticism to advance this technology and you continue to provide negative energy for others to read you will be blocked.

  32. To:GOPSpinMachineInOD
    You must travel from YouTube video to YouTube video on your boring spare time with negative energy that is within your self trying to pass it on to others because of your unhappy lifestyle trying to drag others into the trap of unhappiness.

  33. To: GOPSpinMachineInOD
    I was just doing a science experiment to see if it will work running off of compressed air HHO Gas and rubbing alcohol simulating a diesel engine that usually runs a blower and a turbocharger that adds compressed air to the cylinders that a ordinary gasoline engine does not. If you do not understand the principle of HHO Gas explodes and then implodes immediately after the explosion.

  34. Great job Peter-you took off that small plastic gas tank thats holds that inefficient gasoline stuff and now to run my engine i need 2 welding machines, a crapload of tubes and values, 2 guys running around adjusting stuff, and voila! Oh wait i forgot i need a huge compressor and a big extension cord to power the welders..moral: unemployed truck drivers make poor scientists

  35. Me gustan las maquinas de soldar que tienes las dos y la que tienes en la estanteria de la izquierda donde las compraste y que precio tienen


Video is from Google video. Xogen – Efficient Electrolysis that produce oxy-hydrogen gas. Stop billions of dollars annually from leaving the US or your country by producing renewable, nearly free energy using water. The oxy-hydrogen gas can be used to make cheap energy, and purify water in the most remote places. Solar and wind can augment and work in unison with oxy-hydrogen system.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

5.5 Honda Engine Running on HHO, Rubbing Alcohol, Compressed Air. HHO Flashback Arrestor’s For Sale on EBay
Video Rating: 4 / 5