If you hypothosize such a thing…then the implications are, well, profound…so my question is…what exactly have you done about it??? I mean, how can you adopt a notion so intense and still go about your life with such passiveness…hypothetically if it was an inside job, well then the same folks who brought down the towers brought you the Patriot Acts…and speaking out about it would get you a one way ticket to Cuba…Could you argue your theorum infront of Federal agents? Or would you suddenly loose all conviction in the face of The Authority? If you seek the truth…then get up out of your rut and seek it…if what you profess is true…then every ounce of your energy should go into this cause…or else you’re halfassing it…how can you beleive in such a thing and still pay your taxes year after year?…it’s like saying you’re a conspiracy theorist but it either doesn’t bother you or too scared they might come after you to do anything about it…what a pleasant existance…