*SO-CALLED ANTI-GRAVITY THAT IS! YES THERE IS A VISIBLE WIRE YOU WANNABE’ EINSTEINS!!! That’s the reason why it flies because they are pumping high-voltage to the assembly DUH!!! —————————– American Anti-Gravity Inc. ( www.americanantigravity.com (new website freeenergynews.com ) put together some aluminum foil and a high voltage generator and made a so-called AG (anti-gravity) device… check it out! Well actually ion propulsion (ion wind?) not TRUE AG… ———————————– -Look to put all of this “anti-gravity” stuff to bed once and for all. My video is NOT anti-gravity. it is just a ion drive! If you want to see how to make a TRUE AG project look at my JPEG diagram here: i31.tinypic.com ———————– Tell all your friends and family and YouTubers about this. Tell them they can also get here to this YouTube video via: tinyurl.com ———————–