The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

7 Responses

  1. The Oil companies are trying their best to stop free energy ideas from spreading to common ppl.
    We need to put an end to this corruption ,start generating your own electricity now.
    Visit LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM and get the blueprints . Join the Revolution!!

  2. @asuch874 I was able to do it on barely a middle class income…I just made it a priority and made changes to the way I lived and got rid of unecessary costs….

  3. I converted my home to a net-zero solar powered home that uses no oil or gas…I made a video about it called, “Preparing for Peak Oil”….

  4. Currently clean technology is only available 4 the rich while everybody else only can afford dirty

  5. A great very informative video. Well done to the author. Solar Electricity could well become the worlds dominant energy source in the future and new nano technology as well as volume production could easily bring the price down to affordable levels all over the world, which will greatly help the economies of developing countries. Also Check Out ‘Solar Energy Ideas’ on You Tube.

  6. this is really great. ok, so vote for more renewable energy production, and nothing for the dirty and dangerous nuclear energy facilities. Sounds good, where do I sign.

Solar Electricity – ECU #127

Solar energy author Steven J. Strong, president of Solar Design Associates, which develops solar-powered residential and industrial buildings throughout the US, explains how solar photovoltaic systems work and the great recent advances made in gathering power from the sun.